朋友的英语作文怎么写( 二 )

5. ''我的朋友‘’英语作文怎么写 I have a best friend.
She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working.
She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs.
Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle.
我有个最好的朋友 。
她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子 。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱 。她的英语和语文非常好 。她学习十分认真 。
她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌 。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌 。
她是谁?她就是我最好的朋友――孙梦琪 。她还有一个很好听的英文名――Angle.(安琪儿)
6. 【用英语写文章怎么个写法 形容人可以用很多不同的形容词,如:outgoing(开朗的) friendly(友好的)句子:She/He is not only outgoing but also friendly.她/他不仅开朗,而且对人友善.(not only 。
but also 。不仅 。
还)She's quiet but clever.她文静但聪明.The girl who is the tallest is my firend.那个最高的女孩是我的朋友.She is good at dance.她擅长跳舞.I think she is a warm-harted girl.我认为她是个热心的女孩.I do well in English,and she's as well as me.我英语很好,她也和我一样好.-----------不知道你想要怎样的句子,希望我写的能帮上忙 。
7. 帮忙写一篇英语作文,要初二水平的啊请根据所给信息,告诉那些渴 Health is very important for us. But what can we do to krrp healthy? Let me tell you some good ideas. First of all,you should choose the right food,eat fruit and vegetables four or five times a week,and in order to get enough protein,you should have tofu products every day,then,drink milk and yogurt twice a day can give you enough energy and the yogurt is good for your digestion.The most important point is that to do exercise,as exercise is a very useful method to help people to keep healthy,more and more people pay attention in the sports,so do some exercise in every morning or evening can give you a healthy body. These are the ideas I give you,I hope that it can work for you.如果对您有帮助,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 。

