英语的逗号怎么写( 二 )

“Well, really,” cried Hanse, “it is very kind of you to ask.” “啊,真是,”汉斯高声说道,“谢谢你问我好 。”(这里直接引语被分为两部分,第一部分之后须用逗号)7)用于两个分句之间 。
如:We're here anyway, and that's luck. 不管怎样我们终于到这里了,真是幸运 。(连词and之前有逗号)The hero is dead, but his name still lives. 英雄虽死犹生 。
(连词but前有逗号)有时两个分句之间,亦可不用连词 。如:Some persons like to eat radishes, others prefer cabbages. 有人喜欢吃小萝卜,有人则喜欢吃洋白菜 。
两个分句较短或关系较密切时则可不用逗号 。如: Law is one thing and right is another. 法律是一回事,公理是另一回事 。
Please come for I am ill and must see you. 请来吧,因为我病了,必须见你 。8)用于独立成分之前或之后 。
如:Comrades, I love you. 同志们,我爱你们 。(演说开头所用的comrades,friends,ladies and gentlemen等之后亦常用逗号,与汉语用冒号不同)Hey, where's the tickets? 嗨,票在哪儿?What was worse, we had no watch or clock. 更糟的是,我们没有表也没有钟 。
Hello, Bill. 你好,比尔 。Crocodiles, in fact, do not particularly like human flesh. 鳄鱼事实上并不特别喜欢人肉 。
在较长的主语之后有人也用逗号,如Workers of 。
2. 关于英语的逗号 这样就对了:Hello everybody!I like applesbut I dont like banbanas.For girls, we have skirts.Last night I read a book.英语中常见的逗号用法用在由并列连词连接的两个平行词句之间,连词可说出,也可省略: 1.a.用在平行的词之间: A good house,a good car,a good wife are what he wants. [名词并列,主语](noun,compound-subject)I can read light,serious,amusing,or profound works of English authors. [形容词并列,修饰宾语](adjective,objective)Do you see that tall,big,husky fellow? [形容词并列,修饰宾语](adjective,objective)Butterflies flew before,behind and above the huts. [介词,构成状语](preposition,adverbial)He is honest,but silly.[形容词并列,表语](adjective,predicative) I like this,rather than that.[名词+并列同置](noun,apposition,object) 但:He is an English grammar teacher.It is a diamond wedding party.It is a Chinese New Year celebration. b.注意写法: Music,painting,and poetry are all interesting to him.(美国英语中and前多加逗号) Music,painting and poetry are….(正确,英国多这样写 。)
Music,painting,and poetry,are….(不好) c.逗号可由and,or,nor代替: Music and painting and poetry are… Neither music nor painting nor poetry is… d.逗号须用在etc.,and so on,and the like的前面和后面: Music,painting,poetry,etc.(or and so on,and the like),are…. e.逗号须用在重复的词前: What I need is money,money,money. Long,Long ago and far,far,far away there was a king. 2.用在平行的短语之间: You can meet him at church,at school,or on the street. I went to talk with him,to return the book,but not to see his sister. Reading English.speaking it,and writing it are different processes. 3.用在并列的分句之间: He has learned Japanese for years,but he does not know it. He must come back as soon as possible,or I cannot wait. He was tired,so he took a rest. He is very ill,so he does not go to school. He seems to be very ill,for he looks so pale. 但由but,and,or连接的简短分句之间可以不加逗号: He is silly but his sister is clever. John studies art and I study science. 4.用在由or,and或but连接的两对知识之间: You can go by night or by day,by sea or by land. He is honest but clever,thin but hard-working. 5.如果两个相似结构共有一个宾语,逗号须要用在第二个结构的前面和后面: He depends on,and is trusted by,his uncle. He did it in accordance with,and in defence of,the law. She is fond of,but seems poor in,her homework. He loves,or pretends to love,his wife. —但在一个短的不强调的词前后不加逗号: He was murdered inside or near the jungle. 6.用在插入词的前面和(或)后面: a.用在yes,no,sure,personally,probably,certainly, usually;in general,in the first place,in my opinion,in any case,as a matter of fact;strictly speaking 这类修饰语的后面 :Unfortunately,Mary caught cold yesterday. Inevitably,he will be sent to prison. On the whole,he is a nice fellow. Generally speaking,New York is a nice place. —用在句子修饰语的前面和后面: Tom,in the first place,must respect his parents. Jimmy,I must say,shouldn't listen to the rumour. b.用在furthermore,similarly,accordingly,anyway, otherwise;above all,in the same way,in other words,in contrast这类连接副词(短语)的后面: He lost lots of money;as a result,he got sick. He is sick;therefore,he must rest. I do everything;in addition,I must not complain. Liza is noisy;Tim,by comparison,is quiet. I am too busy;Bill,on the other hand,fools about. 7.a.用在句子开头的分词(短语)之后: Seeing the police,the thief began to run away. 用在句子开头的不定式(短语)之后: To earn more money,the boy worked harder. b.用在松松地插在主语后面的短语的前面和后面: The thief,seeing the police,began to run away. Plants,with enough water and sunshine,will grow fast. The boy,to earn more money,worked harder. 但是:The thief seeing the police began to run away. (还有其他没看见警察的小偷,这里的分词短语为限制性定语,而前面句子中,逗号后的分词短语为非限制性(或解释性)分词,带状语性质 。) The house on the opposite side is my uncle's. The boy to earn more money worked harder.(There were other boys who did not have to earn more.) c.用在句末的非限制性(解释性)分词(带状语性质)前面: He sat in a chair,reading papers. 但在句末的不定式前不宜用逗号: He sat down to read papers. 8.用在呼语的后面或(和)前面: John,come here. Come here,John. What,John,are you doing? 9.用在句子开头的副词短语后(也可不用): At eight(,) he goes to the office. Thanks to his help(,)I got a good job. 但句子末尾的副词(短语)前不宜用: He goes to the office at eight. I got a good job through his help. 10.用在主句与从句之间: 用在一个非限制性定语从句(相当于一个并列分句)前:。