3. 海地的资料 英文 Haiti strong background data: Summary: In the Caribbean sea status, whole northern called the republic of Haiti. Indian semantic for "mountainous place". Area 2.78 million square kilometers. 892 million population, black occupied 95%. Therefore has the "black republic," said. Roman cathotic residents. Official languages are French and Creole, 90% residents used Creole. Currency for eidur gudjohnsen. Capital taizi Port (Prince) -- -- au Port. 1804 on January 1, a declaration of independence, take lists fcountries and Haiti, was the world's first independent black nation. Haiti 2010 earthquake Haiti local time 2010 jan 12 afternoon after a strong earthquake happened 7.0, located in the capital taizi port, a presidential and other government buildings collapse, including foreign ministry by shock, several communication and power outages. According to CNN television reports, Haiti prime minister let - Max? Baylor LLF (Jean - Max Bellerive) 13 says, Haiti earthquake caused the death toll could reach 10 million. At present already caused eight Chinese peacekeepers soldiers were buried, some 200 u.n. employees missing, 17 peacekeepers were killed. The more serious is the disaster outbreaks pestilence, earthquake collapse also causes the prison inmates escape. Now Haiti capital taizi port only 1 hospitals can run, the UN has provided $10 million aid, China's rescue teams have arrived in taman port, make Haiti's loss to the minimum. American scientists estimate seismic survey, the earthquake caused damage to property and the number of casualties will be quite heavy. The Associated Press reported that after the earthquake in the local hospital collapses, an aid officials said the local into a "disaster and chaos" in. Parts power outages, communications lines also have been affected. An Associated Press photographer witnessed a hillside a hospital collapsed. But the area for the local rich living, there are many foreign institutions are stationed in this. Haiti ambassador in the United States Joseph (Raymond Joseph said, communications lines interrupt former Haiti President Mr Preval's chief fritz · lang is (FritzLongchamp), said in a telephone call in Haiti around the presidential office building "stagger". Then communication interrupt Joseph was still lose contact with lang. Caribbean from time to tome earthquake, but strength is not very big. And Haiti has 16 years without massive earthquake. Haiti national population about 900 million, most for poor people, and their dwelling place is not strong. Taizi port mayor estimated, the city of buildings in 60% unsafe range, once appear large-scale earthquake, there will be plenty of buildings collapsed. 。
4. 海地英文简报 西印度群岛中岛国 。
位于拉丁美洲加勒比海北部伊斯帕尼奥拉岛(即海地岛)的西半部.加勒比海中的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛(海地岛)西部 , 面积约27797平方公里 。东接多米尼加共和国 , 南临加勒比海 , 北濒大西洋 , 西与古巴和牙买加隔海相望 。
海岸线长1080多千米 。全境75%为山地 , 仅沿海和沿河有狭窄平原 , 海地一词就是印第安语中“多山之国”的意思 。
拉萨尔山海拔2680米 , 为全国最高峰 。戈纳伊夫岛为全国最大岛屿 , 面积约207平方千米 。
最大湖泊为伊坦沙乌马特胡 , 面积约181 平方千米 。阿蒂博尼特河是境内的主要河流 , 河谷地为海地重要农业区 。
海地地图 北部属热带雨林气候 , 南部为热带草原气候 。各月平均气温在22—28℃间 。
年降水量约1000毫米 , 4—6月、8—10月为雨季 。多飓风 。
沿海地区炎热 , 高原地区平均气温15℃ 。全国平均气温24-27℃ 。
海地一年分两季:3月至11月相对炎热 , 12月至2月较为凉爽 。不同的气候为植物的生长提供了有利条件 。
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