谢谢爸爸的英文怎么写( 二 )

爸爸妈妈,你们真的辛苦了 。真的感谢你们,感谢你们把我带到这个世界上,因为是你们用自己的爱心让我学会了感恩!!Father, mother, you have been working so hard! I still remember, mother, it's you who hold me and accompanied me every step when I was a toddler, and I have learned the hardship of the life road from then on. Now, I grow up, but your hand grow coarse and you become more busy and tired. Dear father, it's you who given me endless power from your encourageous words and strong will when I failed and was at lost. From you I learn the meaning of perseverance. I have come to learn that one should rise where he tumbled and that the road of life should be built on his own. Father, mother, everytime I make progress in my life, do you know how happy and lucky I feel that I've got you? And I know that behind my happiness lies your selfless and great devotion. Thank you for bring me into this world and teach me the meaning of gratefulness by your love! Thank you so much. 这lz写的?感觉蛮像演讲的,我基本没做改动 。
第二段逻辑不是太清晰,一些重复的部分稍微改了一下 。这确实是人工翻译了orz 。

