Yours ever,
我今天给您写信是要请5天的假 , 因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了 。今天早上 , 我妈妈带我去看了大夫 , 大夫告诉我要在家里躺几天 。所以 , 我对缺颗 , 特别是不能上您那有趣的颗 , 感到难过 。我病好后一定把漏掉的课程补上 。
敬礼 。
5. 英语请假条怎么写 文头: Ask for Sick/Business leave (请病假/事假条)
批准机构或人:(比如)To XXt office (XX办公室)
称呼: Dear Sir / Dear XX
正文: (见下例)
落款: Yours faithfully XX
日期: Sep,X, 2009
I am awfuully sorry that I can not come to the office today. Enclosed please find a certificate form the doctore who said I must keep0 the bed. It may possible be a few days before I am able to resume my duty.
I trust my abesence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.
【病假条怎么写英文】Yours faithfully
Sep,X, 2009
I beg to apply for some days' leave of absence from (某日) to (某日) instant, in order to (办某事).
To support my application, I herewith submit a (某证明).
I should be very much obliged if you will grant my application. As regards the (工作或学习事务) to be miss during my abxence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave.
Yours faithfully
Sep,X, 2009
6. 英语生病请假条怎么写英文 中文 原发布者:zriky39663
英文生病请假条范文3篇 请假条是一种常用的应用文体 。当你因为生病不能到校上课的时候 , 或者因事不能参加集体活动的时候 , 你就需要给老师写一张请假条 。本文是小编为大家整理的英文生病请假条范文 , 仅供参考 。英文生病请假条范文一: 英文病假条 , 英语病假单怎么写? 1.首先 , 病假条的上方还是应该按照半正式的格式写上如下信息:To:病假条是递给谁的 From:请假人 Date:写病假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期) Subject:写上请假字样 2.病假条抬头范例如下: ToPeterStone,Manager FromLynnChen,FinancialDepartment DateApril2nd,2004 SubjectCasualLeaveofAbsence 3.其次 , 在您的请假信第一段 , 应该开门见山但是有礼貌地提出请假 。第一段要中心明确 , 写清您要请假的日期 。4.第一段范例如下: Peter,IwouldliketoknowifIcouldaskforacasualleaveofabsenceforonedayonApril4th,thisWednesday. 5.然后 , 在假条的第二段 , 您应该简单明了陈述请假的原因事由 。注意叙述清楚明白 , 并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意 。6.第二段范例如下: ThismorningIreceivedatelephonecallfrommydentist,urgingmetocometohispracticeforimmediatetreatmentofmyteeth.Ihavebeenexperiencingastingingpain,deprivingmeofmysleepduringthepastfortnight.Thesituation
7. 怎样用英文写病假条 dear &*&*&
i didn't go to english class this morning.i don't try to justify such conduct. just thought i would write you a short note to you to explain . i got a stomachoche when i woke up this morning. this stomachoche accompany running a that reason why i was absent your class.plz excuse me for troubling you.
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