And then,on top of all that,you for a mate,and children perhaps.
what more can the heart of a man desire?
7.Son, what the hell are you running from?
孩子 你在逃避什么啊
You know, I can ask you the same question!
Except I already know the answer!
You do, do you?
I do, mr. franz! you got to get back out in the world!
我知道 法兰兹先生 你得回去面对这世界
Get out of that lonely house, that little workshop of yours.
从你那个寂寞的房子里出去 还有那个小车间
Get back out on the road! really!
出去转转吧 真的
You’re going to live a long time, ron!
罗恩 你还能活很久
You should make a radical change in your lifestyle!
I mean, the core of man’s spirit comes from new experiences.
我是说 人类新的灵魂来自于新的经历
8.you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principallyfrom
human relationships.
如果你认为快乐的生活主要来自人与人的关系那你就错了 。
god placed it all around us.it’s in everything.
神把快乐置于身边的每一件事情中 。
people just need to change the way they look at those things.
只需要换一种方式去思考 。
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