合肥的英语怎么写( 二 )

4. 英语翻译合肥的一些东东 包公祠 包公祠Memorial Temple of Lord · 黄山Mountain Huangshan Scenic · 黄山四季Four 李府The Li mansion逍遥津Battle of Xiaoyaojin指三国时的战场;Xiao Yao Jin Park指公园Scenic Area of the Ancient Town-Sanhe 三河古镇风景区Scenic Area of the Ancient 徽园Hui Park 徽园Hui Park 合肥在线合肥晚报江淮晨报今日生活报今报逍遥津合肥 天鹅湖Swan Lake明教寺Zoroastrianism Temple夏冬两季长 春秋两季短 summer and winter are both long meanwhile spring and autumn are short.the clime is wild and each season have their own outstanding characters. 找得够累的,给点鼓励吧,后面的气候是我用英语功底亲自翻译的,谷歌翻译不来的 。
5. 介绍合肥的英语作文80字 Here I came to the school garden. The laurels gave off a fragrant smell, which intoxicaled (使人陶醉) me. The moon's shining face showed up new and then, in and out of the tree leaves as if she was playing a game of hide-and-seek with me. Then as I game and stood in the shadow of the tree, I looked up and lost sight of the gently smiling face. A touch of sadness came over me. I at once moved away from the shadow, left it behind and there still serene and silvery I saw the moon. The wind passed by and the trees waved their leafy arms. The fish in the pond shook their backs and flashed their dragon scales. What a cool and calm night. From the distance came soft music. The miraculous melody instantly drew me. I walked towards it and found some people singing. I wanted to join them, but it occurred to me that I had something more important to do, the lectures to be given the next day. I hastened back. Before entering my house, I turned and looked back at the moon, still high up in the sky, away from the few countable stars, shining magnificently in the thin sky. One cannot but admire her brightness. Yes, if the world is the sky, then everyone is a star. Everyone wants to shine. The moon has no light of her own. Yet it is so bright at night. She reflects the rays from the sun, the source of light and heat, the symbol and knowledge. Since We know why the moon shines so magnificently and discovered the source of her brightness, why not follow suit and try to retch up with the su 。

