1938年 , 吴文藻、冰心夫妇携子女于抗战烽火中离开北平 , 来到云南 , 1940年移居重庆 , 出任新生活运动妇女指导委员会文化事业组组长 , 遴选为国民参政会女参政员 , 参加中华文艺界抗敌协会 , 热心从事文化救亡活动 , 写了《关于女人》《再寄小读者》等有影响的作品 。1946年11月 , 她随丈夫吴文藻赴日本 , 曾在日本东方学会和东京大学文学部讲演 , 后被东京大学聘为第一位外籍女教师 , 讲授“中国新文学”课程 。
参考资料来源:人民网-冰心:才情之外有学问 。
3. 冰心的英文简介(急需) 冰心(1900-1999)原名谢婉莹 , 福建长乐人 , 1900年10月5日出生于福州一个具有爱国、维新思想的海军军官家庭 , 她父亲谢葆璋参加了甲午海战 , 抗击过日本侵略军 , 后在烟台创办海军学校并出任校长 。
冰心出生后只有7个月 , 便随全家迁至上海 , 4岁时迁往山东烟台 , 此后很长时间便生活在烟台的大海边 。大海陶冶了她的性情 , 开阔了她的心胸;而父亲的爱国之心和强国之志也深深影响着她幼小的心灵 。
曾经在一个夏天的黄昏 , 冰心随父亲在海边散步 , 在沙滩 , 面对海面夕阳下的满天红霞 , 冰心要父亲谈谈烟台的海 , 这时 , 父亲告诉小女儿:中国北方海岸好看的港湾多的是 , 比如威海卫、大连、青岛 , 都是很美的 , 但都被外国人占领了 , “都不是我们中国人的” , “只有烟台是我们的!”父亲的话 , 深深地印在幼小冰心的心灵 。翻译:Bing Xin (1900-1999) is originally known as Xie WanYing, the native in Changle of Fujian, was born in a navy officer's family with patriotic, reform thought in Fuzhou on October 5, 1900, her father Xie BaoZhang has participated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, has resisted the Japanese invading army, and then establish naval academy and take the post as the headmaster in Yantai. Bing Xin had only 7 months after being born in, adjourn to Shanghai with the whole family, moved to Yantai of Shandong at the age of 4, a long time live a life by the sea in Yantai hereafter. Have mould her disposition in the sea, has widened her ambition; And father's patriotic heart and will of the powerful country are influencing her immature soul deeply. Once at the dusk of one summer, Bing Xin took a walk on the seashore with father, on the sandy beach, red rosy clouds all over the sky under the setting sun of sea, Bing Xin wants fathers to talk about the sea in Yantai, at this moment, father tells the little daughter: There are plenty of goodlooking harbours of northern coast of China, such as Weihaiwei, Dalian, Qingdao, all very beautiful, but been captured by foreigners, are " not all we Chinese ", "only Yantai is ours! "Father's words, print in immature Bing Xin's soul deeply. 。
4. 英文句子写冰心是个什么 冰心(1900-1999)中国作家 , 福建省长乐人 , 原名谢婉莹 , 写有《繁星》、《春水》、《寄小读者》等 。
晚年被尊称为“文坛祖母” 。Success is a flower which make us exciting to find its beauty right now, however, grows from a bud bathed in tears of struggle and bloods of sacrifice at the very beginning. 。
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