英文检讨怎么写( 二 )

3. 一篇英语的检讨 I'm so sorry to have failed in the past English exam again.I know you must feel very disappointed with me .Honestly speaking,I used to fail to focus my attention on English when you had a class.Because I often stay up into the night and feel tired of what you have teached. I am sure you must became very angry after you have heard me.However,It's the real problem that I am anxious about and eager to solve every day.
I will try my best to get it over if you can be kind enough to give me another chance.I promise that I will go to bed early in the evening and be absorbed in your talking in English class.Besides,I will spend most of my spare time learning English.I really hope that you can believe me and let me have a try.I can study English well,and I have confidence in myself.
很抱歉在最近的考试中又不及格 。我知道您肯定对我很失望 。老实说 , 过去当您上课的时候我常常不能集中注意力 。因为我经常熬夜 , 并且对您教的东西非常厌倦 。我很确定在您听到我这么说之后一定很生气 。但是 , 这真是我每天焦虑和迫切想要解决的问题 。
如果您能再给我一次机会 , 我会尽一切努力克服困难 。我保证晚上早点睡觉 , 上英语课时集中注意力听讲 。除此以外 , 我会花我大部分业余时间学习英语 。我真的希望您能相信我 , 让我试一试 。我可以学好英语 , 我对自己有信心 。
4. 写英文检讨 Dear Mr./Miss/Madam XXXX: I am writing this to apologize for missing your last class.I sad I was ill,but that wasn't the turth.In fact I was lazing about the class,I thought that it might not be so serious,but now I realized I was so wrong. I thought deeply after cutting the class, and now I know the concequence:Firstly(老外喜欢有条理的文章) , studying is just like a chain, and a chain is as strong as the weakest link(谚语`嘿嘿) , once I cut the class, I will fall behind others in this part, and that might be the weakness in this project which I may have too pay much more time to catch up on it. Secondly,teacher takes the responsbily of the security of his/her students in school, I am sure that you really worried about me once you know that I wasn't in your class, I feel guilty and so sorry about that.Last but not the least,I caused a very negative influence to the classmates,maybe someone will do as I did just because what I have done,thus the atmosphere of studying will become bad. As I realized my fault and the concequences, I promise that this will not happen again, I will do my best in the following classes to catch up with others. Please forgive me. Yours, XXXX(时间)刚刚原创的 , 还热着呢 , 给分吧^_^ 。
5. 急需一份1000字英文版的检讨书,班委旷会的中英文对照检讨书 检讨书尊敬的老师: 我在这里进行了深刻的自我检讨 , 我明白了 , 您任命我为班长 , 就是把光荣而艰巨的任务交给了我 , 而我 , 却辜负了您的期望 。
我现在心里满怀着愧疚 , 觉得自己就是渎(du , 二声 )职 , 就是对大家的不负责任 , 我也要为这种不负责任的后果负责 。面对您分配的任务 , 我必须要尽全力去干好它 , 我是班长就有不让别的同学受到干扰的责任 , 而我却只顾自己 , 没有考虑到同学们在学习 , 放任了那些同学说话 , 老师您放心 , 这一次是第一次 , 也是最后一次!下不为例 , 我会做好自己的工作 , 我这样做同样是对自己不负责 , 这样 , 我又有什么资格当班长 , 管理好班级?我这次错误 , 虽然只是小错 , 但却造成了大的影响 , 那么 , 老师 , 我想您保证 , 您以后看我的表现 , 我一定会把咱们的班级治理好 , 不让您担心! 此致 敬礼 您的学生:xxx 。