140英语怎么写( 三 )

5. 高考英语怎么上140 做了这么多卷子了,应该知道自己的薄弱点或者是提升空间比较大的地方在哪里了,是听力?阅读?作文?还是其他?
要考140,意味着失分控制在10分之内,那你就要看了,根据自己的情况分配这十分,例如我的话:辨音不失分,单选1*1,完型2*1,阅读1*2,对话不失分,单词不失分,改错不失分,作文扣5,这样就控制在了10分 。
个人经验,英语高考要想拿高分,成也阅读,败也阅读,所以阅读一定要保证准确率 。另外象我所说,要看看自己还想提升哪一块儿,就专题突破 。可以买星火(高三时用过,感觉很好,大学里四六级也一直在用 。)或者其它题,坚持做下来,并且做错的、不懂得一定要问老师 。如此这般,各个击破 。
当然要有计划,不要急于求成 。虽然我高考没考上140,但是模考还是上过几次的,而且高中三年都是英语课代表,现在大二,带过英语家教 。希望我的经验对你有所帮助吧 。
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6. 谁能帮我写个英语作文120—140字 I think computer games are the soul of our entertainment industry in these days. As a teenager, I have to say the fantisy world embraced me so much that I dived into it so deep and out of control. In my opinion, playing computer games can not be a bad habit unless it conflict with the real life.I failed two of my important exams last year and my mum got very cross with me for spending hours on those games. My dad gave me a hard time too. So I was wondering wether there is a solution for my addicition. I don't want to be a geek who spends hours in the dream world, but iI still want to keep it as a big part of my life. What should I do to treat my own problems and make my life more balanced? It took a few days for me to work out the perfect plan. I like RPG a lot, so I decided to play a game called Role As Real.What I need to do is to play a good role in my real life for the replacement, my role as a boy who has a great brain and be able to learn new things in no time and got plenty of great skills.My first mission was to let this boy catch up with his home work and courseworks. That was indeed a really difficult task for me to do at first, but as to keep the ga缉丹光柑叱纺癸尸含建me-sprit in me to drive me forward,I lived my school life as this game character, I became competive and more positive in class, during the time I sticked to the plan, I actually developed a lot both at school and in my free time without log on to my computer. I was a brilliant game player on-line and now I am a good one in real life too.I just made my dreams alive with me every day. I felt great for the changes I made, and my family are surprised and proud of me too. I don't know how long I am going to play this game, but I will try to go on a bit longer. who knows. 。

