裙子英文单词怎么写( 二 )

我们快速穿越山坡边的一大片旷野 。
例:He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement.
他避开最难的问题 , 而专注于可能达成一致意见的领域 。
n. 衬裙;裙子
adj. 女性的
例:If I had a petticoat or pantalettes, I'd use them.
如果我有条裙子或者长裤 , 我就会用我的 。
例:I could just see her petticoat peeking out from under her skirt.
我能看到她的衬裙从裙子下露了出来 。
n. 内衣;内裙;裙子
vi. 穿着过分朴素的衣服
vt. 使穿得过于朴素;使穿得太单薄
例:If the company does not have a dress code, remember that its better to overdress than underdress.
如果公司没有着装 , 记住其更好地外衣比内衣 。
例:Now our comDIVany DIVroduces and DIVrocesses various series style dresses, including men's and women's fashionable dress, children's dress, underdress , sDIVortswear, jeans wear etc.
公司现生产加工各种系列款式服装 , 有男女时装、童装、内衣、休闲、牛仔等 。
4、pleated skirt
n. 百褶裙
例:Salesman: Do you like miniskirt ? It's popular among young gids. The pleated skirt also sells well.
售货员:喜欢迷你裙吗?在年轻女孩中很流行的 。百褶裙卖的也很好 。
例:The most important change is that she changes her trousers into pleated skirt.
尤为重要的是 , 还要让她把裤子换成美丽的百褶裙 。
5、jumper skirt
n. 背心裙;马甲裙;无袖连衣裙
例:"Stella Savannah" wears a frilly white blouse with tartan jumper skirt.
斯特拉萨凡纳”穿镶褶边的白衬衣和裙子格子呢跳投 。
例:To diffuse the LED light, the dress has four layers of silk chiffon and a jumper silk organza crinoline skirt.
为了达到散射LED灯光的效果 , “银河系礼服”使用了四层真丝雪纺和一层折叠马甲裙 。

