自《西游记》问世以来在民间广为流传,各式各样的版本层出不穷,明代刊本有六种,清代刊本、抄本也有七种,典籍所记已佚版本十三种 。被译为英、法、德、意、西、手语、世(世界语)、俄、捷、罗、波、日、朝、越等文种 。并发表了不少研究论文和专著,对这部小说作出了极高的评价 。与《三国演义》《水浒传》《红楼梦》并称为中国古典四大名著 。
6. 评价孙悟空的英语作文 评价孙悟空作文如下:
Journey to the west is one of four famous Chinese literature. Sun Wukong was born in a magic stone. One day he told the old dragon.King there was a magic stick, Sun Wukong tried a lot of methods, finally got the golden cudgel, he had this golden cudgel to heaven and God to fight, the Jade Emperor win the support of Sun Wukong, when the Buddha came, he and Sun Wukong fight, Sun Wukong was finally crushed in the under the mountain. Sun Wukong is the Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang was released. Later, Sun Wukong and pig and Friar sand together to help Xuan Zang to the west. Sun Wukong is a man that defend someone.
7. 孙悟空,猪八戒,沙和尚这些英语怎么说 孙悟空Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King
猪八戒one of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man's cupidity
沙和尚Sha Monk 或者 Friar Sand,《西游记》中唐僧的三徒弟