秋游英语怎么写( 二 )

Be really colourful. The fan that shell's form great variety of fantasies , some image handful open , some hand , some images like Guanyin a peacock in his pride, some all kinds of image puppies, are really to be almost lifelike in appearance. I hasten to take up a sack to collect a few moments later, have collected right away once big chockful bags. I feel a little bit tired afterwards, will lie on the sandy beach, be really extremely comfortable in feeling the bosom who lies in the mother with regard to the image! 。
4. 秋游小短文(英语,有中文翻译) autumn
Today, the skies, sunny. Students mood indescribably happy, because our long-expected autumn arrived.
The autumn destination is about 8 o 'clock in the morning. XXX, students in teacher's lead a team of upper mightily from school to destination. All happy. We went hiking in the guidance of teachers, strength, eager to climb mountain climbing the moment. I already tired breathless, tired and want to rest, don't climb. Then I think the tortoise and the hare story, I can't stop now. I remembered this sentence: persevering! I just have a rest, continue to climb.
Only a few steps to the distance between the place, I slowly move my steps, branches in the bird scenery, said: "insist! Refuel! 。" . I lift heavy legs, throws finally climbed up the mountain, though I am tired, but can't move sore heart filled with the joy of success.
Finally we reluctant to leave this place. Through this mountain climbing, let me whatever things, as long as we persist, effort, you can succeed! More important is, I think we don't study is in "climbing"? The ancients says: "there is no royal road to learning. Good, only do hard efforts and hard work of the knowledge, ability to climb the peak experience, knowledge can stand in the vast expanse of the knowledge, the peak of far-sighted infinite happiness, this isn't my autumn climbing the biggest harvest?
这次秋游的目的地是XXX.上午大约8点,同学们在老师的带领下排着浩浩荡荡的队伍从学校出发前往目的地.个个开心极了.我们在老师的带领去爬山,个个力气十足,迫不及待地往山顶爬.爬了一阵儿,我已累得上气不接下气,太累了,想休息,不想爬了.这时我想到龟兔赛跑的故事,我不能半途而废. 。我内心想起了这句话:坚持就是胜利! 我就休息了一会儿,继续爬 。
到了隔山顶只几步之遥的地方了,我缓缓地挪动着我的脚步,枝头的小鸟叽叽喳喳地仿佛在说:“坚持!加油啊!……” 。我抬起沉重的双腿迈开最后几步,终于爬上了山顶,虽然我累得浑身酸痛不能动弹,但心里却充满了成功的喜悦 。
最后我们恋恋不舍地离开了这个地方 。通过这次的爬山让我受益匪浅,无论什么事情,只要坚持,付出努力,就能成功!更重要的是我想到了我们的学习不也是在“登山”吗?古人说:“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟” 。不错,只有付出艰辛得努力,刻苦攀登知识的高峰,才能感受到知识的浩瀚无边,才能站在知识的顶峰上高瞻远瞩,领略无穷的快乐,这难道不是我秋游登山最大的收获吗?
5. 以秋游为主写一篇英语作文 老师正在宣布一件事情,正当说道“秋”字的时候,“轰隆——”教室里顿时人声鼎沸,欢呼着,蹦跳着,犹如地震一般,差点把教学楼都震跨了 。这是为什么呢?因为要去秋游!
沿着弯弯曲曲的小路拾级而上 。树上的小鸟叽叽喳喳地叫着,似乎在开着森林演唱;树木排成两列,直直地伫立在小道两旁,好像在迎接我们的到来 。
一路上说说笑笑,不知不觉中来到了万卷楼,我们进入万卷楼,只见四周画着历史上著名的一些人物,比如诸葛亮、关羽、曹操、刘备…… 。沿着古典的木质楼梯走到顶楼,鸟瞰山下,是一条不见首尾的江,把南充市从中间分隔开来,那条江一定就是嘉陵江吧!再看城市,犹如在房产公司看到的小区模型,只不过更密集了、更真实了 。就在我神游其中之时,“大部队”已经出发赶往下一个目的地——农家乐 。