英语单词嘴巴怎么写( 二 )

5、The nurse mouthed the word "quiet".
护士以口形默示“安静” 。
6. 嘴巴的英文单词是什么 一、嘴巴的英文单词是mouth,音标英 [ma?θ]、美 [ma?θ] 。
二、释义:1、n.口;出入口;传闻It became famous by word of mouth. 它靠传闻出名了 。2、vt.装腔作势地说;喃喃地说,心不在焉地说,言不由衷地说I dislike lecturers who mouth their speeches.我不喜欢夸夸其谈的演讲者 。
3、vi.装腔作势说话He crept into the corner, mouthing curses.他悄悄地移到角落,嘴里喃喃地诅咒着 。三、词源解说:直接源自古英语的muth;最初源自原始日耳曼语的munthaz,意为嘴,门 。
四、经典引文:Sammy had his mouth full of..steak sandwich.萨米嘴里塞满了……牛排三明治 。出自: B. Schulberg扩展资料:一、词语用法:n. (名词)1、mouth的基本意思是人或动物的“口”“嘴巴”,还可32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333431346335喻指“口状物”,如河口,山谷口,洞穴口,容器口,喷口,钳口,(乐器等)吹口,炮口等,且常由of引起的短语作后置定语修饰非生命物体之“口”, mouth引申还可表示“说话”,往往都带有贬义 。
2、mouth还可表示“人”“讲话的人,代言人” 。3、mouth在口语中还可用以表示“怪相,鬼脸” 。
v. (动词)1、mouth用作动词时主要指嘴唇活动但不出声,只是作出说或唱的动作,也可指“小声地说”“心不在焉地说”“言不由衷地说” 。2、mouth还可表示“(河水)流入”等 。
二、词义辨析:n. (名词)1、他亲她的嘴 。误 He kissed her on mouth.误 He kissed her on his mouth.正 He kissed her on the mouth.析 作“亲嘴”解时mouth前的the不可省略,通常也不用one's 。
2、嘴里吃着食物,不要想着说话 。误 Don't try to talk with a mouth of food.正 Don't try to talk with a mouthful of food.析 mouth指“口,嘴”; 表示“一口,满口”,应该说mouthful 。
3、她张着嘴,凝视着他 。误 She stared at him, the mouth open.误 She stared at him, her mouth open.正 She stared at him, mouth open.4、三人向前行进,他们嘴里叼着烟斗,手里提着宝剑 。
误 Three men came marching along, pipe in mouths and swords in hand.正 Three men came marching along, pipe in mouth and sword in hand.析 mouth用在这两种场合中,有很强的抽象的典型意义,不可数,不用于复数形式 。前面不用物主代词或冠词 。

