英语建议作文怎么写( 二 )

5. 用英语写一篇建议作文 Dear Mark,
How is it going?I have learned that you were struggling about whether to join the science competion.I will give you some suggestions,and what I think is as follows.
first of all,I think it is a great opportunity to skill your science abilities,which will surely help with your study.So,you should grab this chance tightly.
What is more,you are always fond of science,and you even gain much more wonderful knowledge than anyone else,which can contribute to your competion.
Last but not least,only joining the science competion and take some challenges can you be able to get progess.
Best Wishes
Liu Yang
中文意思就是您的题干内容 。希望对您有帮助!
6. 提建议的英语作文 Dear Lonely Kid,I've received your letter. Don't worry. Here's some advice that may help you. First, why not ask your friends if you can take part in the party? Maybe they just forgot to invite you. If I were you, I would buy a good present for my best friend. She/ He will be very surprised and happy. Helping your friends plan the party is also a good idea. They will think you are friendly and then they will invite you. On the other hand, you'd better call your best friend and talk about this thing. Listen to her carefully and then maybe you can find out your problem. Finally, don't be upset anymore and just wait. Maybe your friends want to give you a surprise. I hope my advice can help you. Good 。
7. 英语建议作文 Dear Xiao Dong,
I'm sorry you are having trouble in making friends .However,the situation is easy to change if you take my advice.Here are some tips to help you:
First,why not build up your confidence of making friends? You're sure you can get along well with them.
If you do this,it can help you a lot.Try to smile at the people when you meet them each time.Then try to talk to them of your own accord.
Secondly,you should give your friends a hand from time to time,especially when they are in trouble.
Then you can gain their respect and favourable impressions
Thirdly,it would be a good idea if you invite them to dinner constantly,they think you are so generous.
By doing this you can make a lot of friends.
8. 给一篇英语作文,关于建议的文章 Dear Neighbor,
Please kindly spare a moment to read my words. First, I hope that you and your family are very well.
Ever since your family moved in, I haven't had a good night's sleep. I have had to take sleeping pills many times in order to fall asleep. And this is all thanks to the fact that your family always leaves the stereo playing very loudly, and occasionally the stereo stays on until midnight. I do not know if your family is comfortable with resting with the stereo screaming at your ear, but in courtesy of our community, please stop the stereo, or at least tune the volume down at night.
Another factor to my sleepless situation, is that your daughter gets up and five o'clock every morning to practice her voice. I have to say, she has an amazing talent and a charming voice. But no matter how charming of a voice she has, she should save it until concerts, not five o'clock in the morning when many people are resting.
Thank you for taking time to hear my thoughts. I hope that things will change.
Best Regards,
Your neighbor xxxxx(填上你的名字)

