所以把我所观察到的一些问题以及解决办法 , 与大家分享一下 。仔细阅读本文之前 , 请先用5秒钟 , 把下面这封求职信的原文很快地、粗略地扫一眼(不要仔细阅读) , 看你得出什么印象?然后再把该信仔细读一遍 , 看信下面的点评 。
(这是一封比较典型的中国人写的求职信 。与原作者的隐私可能相关的内容被用字母代替了)To whom it may concern:I am applying for the position of Immunology Technician, which was advertised on the website of ABCD.com. The position seems to fit very well with my education, experience, and career interests. I have a (Country) "Diplom" degree in Molecular Biotechnology from xxx University, (Country). The courses that I took included Molecular Medicine and Bioanalysis. During my Diplom's thesis research I have acquired good experience in Elisa test. I possess good English skills: I had passed College English Test (band 6), when I studied in China. I have continued to study on my own and maintained my English skills at a high level. I can quickly retrieve and read professional literature and thereafter wrote my Diplom thesis in English. I have worked in the xxx Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute for about X years, engaged in food laboratory testing and analysis. During this time I have experienced the Laboratory Accreditation. Please pay special attention to my good (Country) language skills and many years of life experience in (Country). As a company with (Country) background, you may prefer these skills and experience. I love laboratory research and development work and am confident of the development of the ICL (Independent Clinical Laboratory) in China. Your company aims to become China's largest Medical testing company. I wish I had the opportunity to help your company achieve this goal. I should be glad to have a personal interview and am looking forward to receiving your answer. Sincerely yours,Xxx点评: 首先 , 负责招聘的人一般都很忙 , 求职信必须在他用3、5秒钟粗略扫一眼的时候 , 就给他一个不错的印象 , 他才有可能仔细读信 。
如今用人单位都强调要找 team player , 即具有团队精神的人 。但你粗略扫一眼这封信就会发现: 总共7段话中 , 6段都是以“我” I 开头的 。
尽管求职信的目的是推销自己 , 但不能给人以“此人很自我、自大”的感觉 (This guy is so full of himself!) 。所以要尽可能少用“I” , 尤其是在段落开头 。
这话听起来可能有点儿极端 , 但是请别忘了:我们说的是招聘经理面对一大堆信件 , 在3、5秒钟内匆匆作出的“是仔细阅读此信还是把它扔掉”的决定 , 而不是花30、50分钟仔细考虑后作出的理性决定 。其次 , 推销自己的关键 , 并不在于大谈自己的教育背景、专长、本领、经历 , 而在于说明自己的专长等等如何能够在这个职位上发挥什么重要作用 。
一句话 , “我”能为“你”这个老板作出什么重要贡献、带来什么实际效益 。求职者 , 是“卖方”;老板 , 是“买方” 。
这个道理说来再浅显不过 , 但是绝大多数人写求职信时偏偏就忘了这一点 , 所以你常可看到有人写出 “this position fits me very well”这种话来! 正确的说法应该是类似这样的话: " 。my education, advanced training, career interest, and above all, strong hands-on experience will be a tremendous asset in this position” 。
整封信的重点 , 永远必须都放在招聘经理和这个职位上 , 强调“我”的经历、专长如何适合“你”这个经理和这个职位、如何能发挥重要作用 , 而且整封信的调子显得态度非常积极向上 。三、紧扣主题 , 用词力求简洁 。