便条英文怎么写( 二 )

Upon receiving this note, please come to my office.见条后,请立即来我办公室 。Mr. Li stands in urgent need of your service.李先生急需你的帮助 。
I happen to be in urgent need of 200 yuan.我因有急事,需要200元 。Yours note with an admission ticket enclosed is much appreciated.留言和一张入场券均已收到,不胜感激 。
Im very grateful to you for your kind invitation, and Im sure to come to see your concert.承蒙邀请观看你们的音乐会,我一定按时到场 。Please accept this little figt as a small token of my esteen for you.奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意 。
结束语I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.望我的缺席不会给你带来太大的不便 。Please favor me with an early reply.敬请早复 。
Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.希望能及早处理此事 。Please give an extension of leave for three days.请准予续假三天为盼 。
3. 一张好的英语便条怎么写 便条主要包括请假条、留言条、电话留言条(电话记录)等 。
英文便条一般包括四个部分:日期、称呼、正文和署名 。
范例1:你病了,不能上学,请用英语给高老师写一个请假条 。
英文提示:sorry,tell you,not feel well,a bad cold,headache,cough,the doctor,take some medicine,stay in bed,two days,can't go to school,today,tomorrow,hope,get well,soon
Dear Miss Gao,
I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today.I caught a bad cold last night.I had got a headache and coughed day and night.The doctor told me to take some medicine and stay in bed for two days.So I can't go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I can get well soon.Thanks.
Your student,
Li Lei
范例2:请根据以下内容写一个电话记录,打电话的日期是8月12日,时间是9点10分 。字数:20---30词 。
B:Hello!May I speak to Jim,please?
A:Sorry,he's out at the moment.Who is it?
B:Bill.Could you take a message for me,please?
B:Please ask Jim to bring my English book to my home this evening.I need it very much.
B:Thanks a lot.Bye!
A:Not at all.
Telephone Message
Date:August 12
Message:Please take his English book to his home this evening.
July 1,2010
Here is a piece of good news for you. We decide to have dinner party to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival tonight,so please participate in our party, I am sure you will be happy with us. The dinner party will begin at seven O'clock, waiting for your coming.
Yours Classmate,(可写可不写)
4. 英文的“便条”有什么具体格式吗 写英文“便条”要注意什么
便条(note)的种类不少,像请假条(包括病假、事假、续假)、留言条、记录电话内容的条子等都是“便条” 。
“便条”多用于比较熟悉的同学、同事和亲友之间,为临时通知或询问某事,一般写在纸条上 。其次,所谓“便条”,顾名思义,就是比较随便,格式比较简单,内容简短,开门见山,用词通俗,把事情说清、让人明白就行 。另外,“便条”不像“书信”那样,要写收信人和写信人的地址,时间也可以不写年、月,而只写日期或星期几上、下午或几点钟 。传递的方式一般不是通过邮局,而多半是留交或托人转交 。书写格式一般用书信的格式 。
我们目前练习写的请假条,一般是向老师请事假或病假(“病假”一般用“sick leave”,“请病假”用“ask for sick leave”;“事假”一般用“leave of absence”),因此,请假条内容前一般应有“尊称”,如:Dear Mr. Huang,Dear Miss Wang等;而“留言条”一般是委托别人或自己在某一场合直接留言,可以不写“Dear”,只用姓或名,如果双方不是很熟,可以使用全名 。请假条和留言条最后都要有署名,请假条一般用:Your student,Wang Fei等;留言条只写名字就可以 。另外,请假条和留言条都应写清请假或留言的具体时间 。英文请假条和留言条的日期同一般书信一样,习惯写在右上角(现成格式的电话留言条除外) 。请假条和留言条相比,留言条更简单明了 。请看例子: