丞的英文怎么写( 三 )

京都声:首都长安的韵味,一方面指曲调的地域特征,一方面也是指演技高超,非一般地方所有 。善才:唐代用以称琵琶演奏家 。
命酒:派人整备酒宴 。悯然,伤心的样子 。
恬然:安乐的样子 。迁谪意:指被降职、被流放的悲哀 。
作者说他被贬到九江一年来,每天都很快乐,只有今天听了琵琶女的演奏,才勾起了他被流放的悲哀 。Song Of A Pipa Player One night by riverside I bade a friend good-bye; In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh. My friend and I dismounted and came into the boat; We wished to drink but there was no music afloat. Without flute songs we drank our cups with heavy heart; The moonbeams blent with water when we were to part. Suddenly o'er the stream we heard a pipa sound; I forgot to go home and the guest stood spellbound. We followed where the music led to find the player, But heard the pipa stop and no music in the air. We moved our boat beside the player's to invite Her to drink at replenished feast by lamplight. Again we called the urged her to appear until She came, her face half hid behind a pipa still. She turned the pegs and tested twice or thrice each string; Before a tune was played we heard her feelings sing. Then note on note she struck with pathos deep and strong; It seemed to say she'd missed her dreams all her life long. Head bent, she played with unpremeditated art On and on to pour out her overflowing heart. She lightly plucked, slowly stroked and twanged loud The song of "Green Waist" after that of "Rainbow Cloud." The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain; The fine strings softly tinkled in murmuring strain. When mingling loud and soft notes were together played, 'Twas like large and small pearls dropping on plate of jade. Now clear like orioles warbling in flowery land, Then sobbing like a stream running along the sand. But the stream seemed so cold as to tighten the string; From tightened strings no more sound could be heard to ring. Still we heard hidden grief and vague regret concealed; Music expressed then far less than silence revealed. Suddenly we heard water burst a silver jar, The clash of spears and sabres coming from afar. She made a central sweep when the music was ending; The four strings made one sound, as of silk one is rending. Silence reigned left and right of the boat, east and west; We saw but autumn moon white in the river's breast. She slid the plectrum pensively between the strings, Smoothed out her dress and rose with a composed mien. "I spent," she said, "in capital my early springs, Where at the foot of Mount of Toads my home had been. At thirteen I learned on the pipa how to play, And my name was among the primas of the day. My skill the admiration of the masterss won, And my beauty was envied by deserted fair one. The gallant young men vied to shower gifts on me; One tuned played, countless silk rolls were given with glee. Beating time, I let silver comb and pin drop down, And spilt-out wine oft stained my blood-red silken gown. From year to year I laughed my joyous life away On moonlit autumn night or windy vernal day. My younger brother left for war, and died my maid; Days passed, nights came, and my beauty began to fade. Fewer and fewer were cabs and steeds at。
4. 五人墓碑记的翻译 这五个人,就是当周蓼洲先生被阉党逮捕时,为正义所激奋而死于这件事的 。到了现在,吴郡贤士大夫向有关当局请示,就清理已废的魏阉生祠的旧址来安葬他们,并且在他们的墓门立碑,来表彰他们的事迹 。啊,也够隆重呀!
五人者,盖当蓼洲周公之被逮,激于义而死焉者也 。至于今,郡之贤士大夫请于当前,即除魏阉废祠之址以葬之;且立石于其墓之门,以旌其所为 。呜呼,亦盛矣哉!
这五人的牺牲,距离现在修墓安葬他们,为时不过十一个月罢了 。在这十一个月当中,那班富贵之士和志得意满 。官运亨通的人,他们患病而死,死了而埋没不足称道的,也太多了,何况乡间的没有声名的人呢?唯独这五人名声皎如白日,是什么缘故呢?