演说英语怎么写( 四 )

一般情况下就看下面听众的鼻子,这样以来,就显得你在注意观众,但有时候你要重点看评委,这样可以加分 。不要由始至终都是手势,那样会显得很浮躁内,但必要的手势不可少,要自然还有一点,就是语音语调要不停变化,要不然不会吸引听众,因为大家都是差不多的,你就没有亮点了呵呵,这是我这个自认为英语演讲比赛高手总结的经验,希望对你有帮容助祝你成功!! 。
7. 怎样写英语演讲稿 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:玫调皮蛋 英语演讲稿格式及 LadiesandGentlemen,Goodafternoon!I'mverygladtostandhereandgiveyouashortspeech.todaymytopicis“youth”.Ihopeyouwilllikeit,andfoundtheimportanceinyouryouthsothatmorecherishit. FirstIwanttoaskyousomequestions: 1、Doyouknowwhatisyouth 2、Howdoyoumasteryouryouth Youth Youthisnotatimeoflife,itisastateofmind;itisnotrosycheeks,redlipsandsuppleknees,itisamatteroftheemotions:itisthefreshness;itisthefreshnessofthedeepspringsoflife. Youthmeansatemperamentalpredominanceofcourageovertimidityoftheappetite,foradventureovertheloveofease.Thisoftenexistsinamanof60morethanaboyof20.Nobodygrowsoldmerelybyanumberofyears.Wegrowoldbydesertingourideals. Yearswrinkletheskin,buttogiveupenthusiasmwrinklesthesoul.Worry,fear,self–distrustbowstheheartandturnsthespiritbacktodust. Whether60of16,thereisineveryhumanbeing'sheartthelureofwonders,theunfailingchildlikeappetiteofwhat'snextandthejoyofthegameofliving.Inthecenterofyour 。
8. 说用英语怎么写 说 [shuō] explain persuade say speak talk tell theory explain [iks?plein] vt. & vi. 讲解,解释 You needn't explain any more. 你不必再解释了 。
vt. 说明…的原因; 辩解 Please explain this rule. 请把这条规定说明一下 。persuade [p??sweid] vt. & vi. 说服,劝告 The boy persuades easily. 这孩子听劝 。
say [sei] vt. & vi. 说; 讲 You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说 。vt. 说明; 表明; 宣称 What do these figures say? 这些数字说明了什么? 比方说; 假定说 It is said that there has been a big flood. 据说,那里遭受了一场大洪水的袭击 。
n. 决定权,发言权 He wasn't allowed much say in choosing his holiday. 在选择假期的问题上不让他有很多发言权 。speak [spi:k] vt. & vi. 讲; 谈 The baby is learning to speak. 这个婴儿在学说话 。
vi. 演说; 演讲 Mr. Brown will speak now. 现在布朗先生发言 。从某种观点来说 To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all. 老实说,我一点也不赞成这个主意 。
talk [t?:k] vt. & vi. 说话,交谈 I hate the man who enjoys talking big. 我讨厌爱吹牛的人 。vt. 谈论,商谈 We talked football all evening. 我们整个晚上都谈足球 。
n. 交谈,谈话,聊天 That long talk healed many of differences. 那次长谈消除了很多分歧 。演说,讲话 The president was asked to give a short talk on his visit to the United States. 校长应邀简短谈谈访美情况 。
空话,废话 He was too certain of her love to be deceived by such talk. 他确信她的爱,因而不会被这种谣言所欺骗 。tell [tel] vt. 讲,告诉 I have something to tell you. 我有件事要告诉你 。
吩咐,命令 Tell him to wait for us at the gate. 让他在大门口等我们 。表明,显示 Her face told her joy. 她脸上流露出欢乐 。
vt. & vi. 分辨,辨别 It was difficult to tell his exact age. 很难判断他到底多大岁数 。vi. 泄密 You mustn't tell or we'll get into trouble. 你千万不可泄密,否则我们会遇到麻烦 。
theory [?θi?ri] n. 学说 There are many theories about the origin of life. 关于生命起源的学说有很多 。理论,原理 Your plan sounds fine in theory. 你的计划在理论上听起来不错 。
意见,看法 She has a theory that drinking milk prevents colds. 她有一种说法,认为喝牛奶能防止感冒 。