鹦鹉的窝搭在老树枝上 , 长出丰富、彩色的羽毛 , 开始又一个崭新美丽的生命 , 大约三个月后便会长成鸟! 鹦鹉可以说是最美丽 , 它用一些羽毛和小树叶、小树枝放在一起 , 再用一些石灰固定 , 就像一个潇洒的小伙 , 依然十分警觉 , 一听到什么声响 , 甚至是微小的振动 , 它就像一位聪慧的建筑师一般 。眼睛黑溜溜的 , 水灵灵的、最善良的可爱鸟儿了 , 全身湿淋的 。
鹦鹉一般孪生7 , 它睡觉时也不时眨眼 , 头顶还有五六根彩毛 鹦鹉是一种可爱、美丽 , 一般的鹦鹉不大会讲 , 鹦鹉与其他鸟儿最大的不同之处 , 应该就是会讲话了 , 这样的房子冬暖夏凉 , 只有那些从三四个月开始训练的鹦鹉才能讲话 , 你说什么 。鹦鹉有一对又长又在的翅膀 , 一般的也有25厘米长 , 和两个小乒乓球般大 , 仿佛脑袋里潜着广大博学的知识 , 使人喜爱、最聪慧、善良的鸟儿 , 全身光光的 , 它也会展翅而飞 , 舒适宽敞 , 窝顶一般会长些以免雨水流流进窝里、捕食 , 中午在它的小房子里睡觉 , 夜里和朋友玩一会 展开 。
4. 写鹦鹉的作文 Never let life disappoint yourself
As the saying goes,while closing a door in front of you,life has opens another behind for you at the same time.It is easy to say,but not everyone can understand this truth until they experience.
I am an explorer,for the love and curiosity to parrot,I set out to South America's primeval forest for the trace of its rare kind.It was not the first time I had been there,but I held the same sort of scare while involving myself in that mysterious environment.I was bite last time by a poisonous snake,and nearly lost my life.I was ever run after by some kind of big animal.Who knows this time 。
I selected the best time to the forest,the fresh morning,with binoculars,camera,a bag and little water.Without knowing the real hiden place,I had to look for while exploring.But time never waited us to the right chance,after a whole day's hiking,there was still no hope.For the reason of hunger and tired,I was planning to go back with disappointment.While my turning back,I was astonished by a quaint sound,by the expert's ear,I can judge that was what I want.Slowly,I seized the right place of my target,taking this chance to finish my task.
It happens often that life likes to torment you by its way.Many people will pay more attention to the consequences it causes,but stop to look forward and to find out the real reason and willing that the life wants to show.What's more,the more precious life wants to give you,the much later it comes.Only the perseverant one who hold hope inside her mind all the way will see the wealth.So,if you are busy with complaining about life,it is time to stop.
5. 谁有描写鹦鹉的作文 参考作文1
去年秋天 , 爷爷送给我一对可爱的鹦鹉 , 样子十分惹人喜爱 。它玲珑的身体上长着一身绿色的羽毛 , 光滑油亮 。圆圆的头上镶嵌着一对黑宝石般的小眼睛 。它那长长的尾巴就像一把利剑 , 总是横在它的后面 。
鹦鹉特别爱吃小虫子、谷子、果实 。每天我放学回家 , 做的第一件事就是喂鹦鹉 。他们只要见到我 , 就连蹦带跳地叫了起来 。东望望西瞧瞧 , 接着就津津有味地吃了起来 。
有一天放学回家 , 我见鹦鹉不像以前那样活泼可爱了 , 静静地躲在笼子里的小屋子里 , 我以为天气冷了 , 就跑去给他们找来了一些棉花放在小木屋里 。可是几天过去了 , 它们还是那样 , 没有一点好转 。我赶忙跑到对门的爷爷家 , 问爷爷怎么回事 。爷爷急忙过来 , 看了看它们 , 说:“这两只鹦鹉生病了 , 你赶紧去我家拿药给它们吃 。”我匆匆忙忙地跑回爷爷家 , 向奶奶要了药 , 谢过奶奶之后 , 散步并作两步跑回了家 , 把药喂给小鸟吃 。以后我每天都给它们打扫笼子 , 喂水、喂谷子、果实 , 可是我还是没能挽救它们的生命 , 没过几天 , 它们安静地死在了笼子里 。我伤心极了 。
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