怎么写bookreport( 四 )

but WAIT!7a686964616f31333236373764 You, gentle reader, are never allowed to get comfortable in the world of the often stupid, ever boring Muggles, because you're not one of them, are you? Of course not. You know better, because Rowling blends in the essence of magic fantasy with such skill that Harry's world literally shimmers with it. Because you're not a Muggle, you can see it all around you as you read. The rest of the ingredients are just as high in quality, from the magical, mysterious yet somehow familiar Hogwarts School to the friends that。
7. book report 美丽新世界的读书报道Report on Brave New WorldⅠ. The information of the book Title: Brave New World Author: Aldous Huxley Publisher: Harper Perennial, a division of Harper Collins PublishersPublish time: 1984-03Ⅱ. The meaning of the title Brave here doesn't mean courageous. Brave new refers to new in an impressive way. And brave new world means a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve people's lives but in fact a source of extra problems. The inspiration of the title comes from the Tempest by Shakespeare: O brave new world, that hath such people in it (Miranda). It has an ironic meaning as the title.Ⅲ. The content of the book The story is set in a state of the future world in the year 632A.F. (i.e. the 7th century after Henry Ford, the American automobile magnate). Mustapha Mond is the World Controller and makes rules over the western society. Mechanization is the only means to promote people's material life. The world state's motto is: Community, Identity, Stability. At the beginning, the author presents us by the explanation of the Director of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center how human beings are hatched from incubators and brought up in a variety of rooms: Fertilizing Room, Bottling Room, the Predestinating Room, Decanting Room, and Infant Nurseries. In these rooms, eggs are fertilized and divided into different classes(i.e. Alpha, Beta, Gama, Delta, Epsilon Grades )which will do different sorts of jobs: intellectual, manual or menial in the future. Standard men and women in uniform batches are produced from a single egg to become identical workers and operate identical machines. All of their futures are even predestinated from embryos. Mind-conditioning also takes place in these rooms: higher classes by hypnopaedia through electric whispering devices under the children's pillows; lower by frightening sounds. All of these mean to shape human beings to a certain form of character. The upper class operates the lower and treats them as slaves, laughing at and abusing them, while operatees are accustomed to this. The life of the whole society is rigid, rotten and nasty: they take soma to calm themselves down just like having a holiday and have sex casually with anybody under the slogan: everyone belongs to everyone else, which is repeated thousands of millions of times in their childhood. It is a world without humanity, spiritual value and individual freedom and no culture or Christianity is permitted to contact. A savage comes to this “ideal” state. He is at first fascinated by it. But when he learns beauty, truth and poetry from a book by Shakespeare all excluded from the brave new world, he argues with Mond, who is in fact his father, and then stay away by himself in a deserted house out of despair and finally hangs himself.Ⅳ. My viewpoints When reading the first part of the novel, I feel it strange and interesting. I try to put myself to the society but eventually I can't imagine how we will be without history, culture, family and so on and how people can only know just work and play and then die without motions. Afterwards, I feel horrible and disgusted with their lifestyle. When I come to the end of the story, the tragedy of Savage warns me of the danger of human beings' being reduced to machine with the development of modern science and technology. The book is worth reading. Something is similar to the real world: hypnopaedia to the mass media, soma to tranquilizer drugs, the world controller to the god or else. Aldous seems to describe the future of the human beings to us. People always like to imagine beautiful futures. However, this book sounds a warning. 。