再次英文怎么写( 二 )

更难的是要改变自己的价值观 , 就算你认为事情应该如何发展才是正确 , 事实上 , 事情仍照它的本意进行 。When reaching a certain age, would find it hard to accept one's own mistakes, even more difficult to change one's self worth. Although you think you know the correct way of how things should go, as the matter of fact, things still would carry on as their original course. 8.前几天 , 网路上有一个投票 , 票选历史上最重要的三张照片 , 第一名是广.岛的原.子.弹爆炸 , 第二名是首次踏上月球的人 , 而我最喜欢的是第三名 , 一对接吻中的爱人 , 而世界仍在他们周围运转 , 照片里 , 时光静止 , 世界不停地前进 , 而被捕捉在照片里的人 , 却永远不会改变 , 那情景在闪光灯亮起的那一瞬间 , 却永不再现 。
Few days ago, the Internet had a vote on three of the most historical pictures. The atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima came first. Second came the first men on the the moon. But my favourite was the third place — the kissing of two lovers, while the world was evolving around them! in the picture, the time froze but the world was moving forward without stopping, and the two persons who have been captured in the picture would never change. Right from the exact moment of the flash light, the scene will not reappear again! 9.我好无聊 , 无聊到去自己的博客把所有的日记都看了一遍 。I am very boring, and so boring that I had read all the bloggers' diaries.10.我身边有很多不同类型的朋友 , 在我不开心的时候 , 他们会用他们自己的方式安慰我 , 嘲笑也好 , 可怜也好 , 起码围绕著我的是温暖的气氛、I have many different friends around me. When I am not happy, they all would use their own ways to comfort me. It doesn't matter whether they are laughing at me or sympathying me, at least I have warm atmosphere around me! 11.有时候 , 我会很想去接近一些我想亲近的人 , 但最后才发现 , 我用尽了自己的所能 , 却什麽都没做到 。
Sometimes, I like to get close to someone who I would like to get close to. But finally found out that after trying all my best and I had done nothing at all! 12.我宁愿安静的 , 什麽都不去想 , 听著我爱听的歌 , 看我爱看的电影 , 喝我爱喝的饮料或者酒 。
.I rather prefer quiet and not to think of anything. Listening to the songs I like to listen, watching the films I like to watch, drinking the drinks or wine I Iike to drink 。. 13.我终于鼓起勇气相家人坦白 , 我以为他们知道我是lesbian之后 , 会大骂一顿或者无法接受我 。
3. “欢迎下次再来”的英文怎么写的 welcome again和welcome next time都表示欢迎下次光临 , 前者是正式一些的 , 更多的表示欢迎 , 热情的欢迎;后者侧重再一次 。
welcome again再次欢迎;欢迎再来 。
[例句]:At the same time, we also warmly welcome again. 同时 , 我们也热忱欢迎大家再次光临 。
“欢迎下次光临”用英文表达 , 大致有以下几种:
1、“Welcome to you next time! ” 直译:欢迎你下次的到来 。
2、“Welcome back again.” 直译:欢迎再次回来 。
3、“looking farwad your coming next time.” 直译:欢迎再次光临 。
英 ['p?pj?l?] 美 ['pɑpj?l?]
adj. 流行的 , 通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的
popular sovereignty 人民主权论 ; 人民主权 ; 大众主权