轻松活泼是杨红樱写作的两大特点 。她的作品深受我们同龄人喜爱 , 每读她的一本书就觉得自己又与杨红樱阿姨拉近了一步 , 只要我伤心 , 翻开《淘气包马小跳》便会开怀大笑起来 , 可以说杨红樱的作品既是我的好伙伴又是我的开心果 , 从中我仿佛看到自己的影子 , 在她的书中有人与人之间的平等 , 让人感动的真情和友谊 , 它就像一块巧克力 , 无论放在谁生活的那杯白开水里都会觉得浓厚有趣 。在我们班里几乎每人都手持一本杨红樱的作品 。
杨红樱阿姨之所以能写出这么深入人心的文章 , 在于她有一双明亮而又善于发现的眼睛和一颗未泯的童心 , 她18岁就当了小学老师 , 一直到25岁时又当了杂志编辑 , 主要代表作有:《女生日记》、《男生日记》、《淘气包马小跳》……几乎每本我都爱看 , 每本都爱不释手 。
正是有了杨红樱阿姨的作品 , 给我白开水一般的生活 , 添上了许多甜蜜 , 画上了五彩的颜色 。我真盼望杨红樱阿姨能来到我们的校园 , 让我能够更加了解她 , 更加亲近她 。我更希望自己长大也能成为一名儿童文学家 , 深受广大青少年读者的喜爱 , 就如我喜爱的杨红樱一般 。
3.Dear Li Hua,
Thank you for your letter. As for the entrance exams, you have come too far and worked too hard to quit now. There are only a few months left until the exams so you can make a final push to get the best result you can. I have some tips for you and I hope they are helpful.
The first thing you should do is to make a good study plan. If you follow the plan and concentrate on what you're doing, it helps you study effectively.
Besides, don't forget to include at least three hours of exercise each week to keep your mind sharp.
What's more, make the most out of class. Preview lessons before the class and it helps you follow the teachers in class and have a good knowledge of what is important but difficult. Do review what is done wrong and learn lessons from mistakes.
Above all, building up confidence is essential to success. Only when you believe in yourself, can you keep up your spirits and be successful.
Now, take some time to be with your family and enjoy yourself for Spring Festival, then get to work.
Best wishes,
试题分析:本文对考生的要求较高 , 要求考生首先读懂原文 , 再根据文字提示写作 。原文是一位高三的学生学习上遇见困难在寻求帮助 。回信的要点都隐含在信中 , 再读懂文章的基础上 , 要考生自己归纳出来 , 再一一进行解决 , 考生需要使用合适的连接词把这些要点连接成文 , 如to begin with首先;besides而且;what's more等 。也要注意运用适当的高级句型如定语从句 , 强调句等让文章不显得那么平淡 , 而有文采 。在词汇的运用上也要注意 , 使用相对高级的词汇提升文章的档次 。
【怎么写读者来信】【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁 , 运用了一些词组:make the most out of充分利用 , have a good knowledge of 很好了解 , Above all最重要的是 , building up增强 , 范文中的句式多变 , 运用不同的语法知识:The first thing you should do is to make a good study plan. 这句话用了定语从句和不定式 , If you follow the plan and concentrate on what you're doing, it helps you study effectively. 这句话用了宾语从句 , Do review what is done wrong and learn lessons from mistakes.这句话用个强调句 , Only when you believe in yourself, can you keep up your spirits and be successful. 这句话用了倒装句 , 还有文章还使用了Besides, What's more , 这样的关联词 , 使文章更加通顺 。