英勇单词怎么写( 二 )

出丑第二回 出丑人:又是我 出丑原因:情绪过于激动
我非常讨厌吃炖肉.一回,妈妈端来一碗炖品,在我小小的记忆中,炖品全都有肉.于是我就大叫:“我不吃肉,我不吃肉,我不吃肉 。。(注:无限循环)‘声音可谓是惊天动地,气死山河,连一楼的人都发牢骚了.待我喊够了,却发现全家人都用看天外来客的眼神看着我.正当我在胜利感中翱翔的时候,妈妈冷不丁地来一句:“肉我都挑出来了.‘忽然,尴尬遍布了我全身,只能麻木地喊一声:“哦.‘唉,这次可谓是惨败.
4. 怎么样学习好英勇呢 首先你要去背单词这是很主要的,高中的单词不算多了你要把单词记牢 。
此外背一些重点课文也可以,这样在作题的时候会对你有很大的帮助 。我是个学英语专业的我们有专门的语法课,我不知道高中是不是很重视语法,如果你想提高自己的英语水平你可以去买薄冰的语法书,至于听力也不能放过你可以在早晨或者临睡觉之前听课文的磁带,不过我并不赞成你去听课外的,以后你的英语成绩提高了你就可以去听一些纯正的英文歌曲担不是流行歌曲或者疯狂英语 。
现在你只要把一切精力都放在课本上就行了,多背、多写、多听,学英语没别的窍门只有下工夫 。不过你要记住在背、写 的时候要大声的读,你可以选择在你记忆力最佳的时间学英语,效果是很不错的 。
还有对于学习过的东西你要经常反复练习,你可以准备一个本子把重点的单词、句型 、对话都抄下来背的时候就方便了 。学习英语没有捷径,只能靠自己平时的用功 。
打好基础很重要,比如语法 。扩大词汇量的最有效办法就是多阅读,报纸、考试的阅读材料等等 。
读得多了自然就会记住很多单词,而且在阅读中记单词能够明白这个词是如何使用的 。听力嘛是要持之以恒地练习的,基础不好可以从慢速VOA练起,程度好点就听标准VOA、BBC新闻等 。
写作嘛就是多练笔,写的时候尽量多用些新学到的单词,多运用就会得心应手了 。如果是考试作文,那就背些范文,注意结构和一些常用的语句 。
口语嘛就是要自己找机会多练,可以和同学练,可以去英语角练,可以去外国人多的地方找外国人练 。总之练习口语就是要脸皮厚,不怕错 。
5. 英语作文《我心目中的英雄》怎么写啊 A Hero in My Heart Bruce Lee is a hero in my heart. He was an American-born martial artist, philosopher, instructor, martial arts actor. He was widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the twentieth century and a cultural icon. . Lee was born in California, and raised in Hong Kong. His films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, and draw westerners'interest in Chinese martial arts. Lee became an iconic figure particularly to the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies. He primarily practiced Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu). There are a number of legacies surrounding Lee that still exist in Hong Kong culture today. One is that his early 70s interview on the TVB show Enjoy Yourself Tonight cleared the busy streets of Hong Kong as everyone was watching the interview at home. Another topic is that his moment of birth is often used as a modern cultural proof of the existence of the Four Pillars of Destiny concept, having been born in the year of the dragon and hour of the dragon along with other astrological alignment. Although Lee is best known as a martial artist and actor, he majored in philosophy at the University of Washington. He was well-read and had an extensive library. His own books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are known for their philosophical assertions both inside and outside of martial arts circles. His eclectic philosophy often mirrored his fighting beliefs, though he was quick to claim that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings. He believed that any knowledge ultimately led to self-knowledge, and said that his chosen method of self-expression was martial arts. Lee felt that many martial artists of his day did not spend enough time on physical conditioning. Bruce included all elements of total fitness—muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. He tried traditional bodybuilding techniques to build bulky muscles or mass. However, Lee was careful to admonish that mental and spiritual preparation was fundamental to the success of physical training in martial arts skills. Lee is really a Chinese hero in my heart. 。