怎么写英文论文摘要( 四 )

4. 论文英文摘要怎么写 Local the Party paper as major media of locality , transmit party and country , Party committee of a higher level , voice of government, transmit local Party Committee and government specially in the Central Party Committee of implementation , the Party committee of a higher level and government's great principles and policies concrete measure, there are guidance and authoritativeness that other medias can't compare , so often become the focus that local audiences pay close attention to. But enter after the socialist market economy, journalism structure of our country take place a obvious one, enough to influence local the Party paper change , news report of result. Journalism has already developed into much varieties taking the Party paper as the centre, multi-level three-dimensional structure from a structure of party's declaration form, the newspaper in evening paper , city newspaper , life newspaper , specialized newspaper ,etc. doubles and redoubles, the network, this kind of new combining a large amount of transmission information fast of media of short information of cell phone at the same time, the foreign media enters the native country and seizes the market of native country. This kind of change and growth make audiences choose the information channel of the news to increase, the degree of freedom increases day by day. So local the Party paper irreplaceable status , news of information issue receive the severe challenge. So how strengthen local key competitiveness of the Party paper new period, become we want problem that solve urgently. Focus on this question to describe from content , form of the news report , journalists , reader's marriage partner and these five respects of market mechanism of the news report, is it can prove our country now local state of development of the Party paper and predicament that run into and for strengthen key competitiveness should what kind of efforts does it make to expect. Keyword: Local the Party paper; Core; Competitiveness ; Market; Readability; Affinity 。
5. 如何写好英文论文摘要 英文论文选题:英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学 。
英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究 。在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法的运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究 。
但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典的作家或作品 。有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生的兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象 。
在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在的深刻含义,不能流于肤浅的分析 。文学批评理论的选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识的学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论的知识结构 。
这个方向的选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语的阐释或某两种或以上的文学批评理论的比较 。比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较 。
这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》)语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文选题可以在两个大的方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学 。普通语言学的研究就是对于英语语言的任何一个方面的研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面的研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”) 。
应用语言学包括教学法的研究和其它一些新兴的应用语言学分支的研究 。师范专业或本身从事教师职业的学生选择教学法方向的较多 。