出国留学证明怎么写( 五 )

三、留学生回国创业优惠政策:(不同地区政策不同) 1.在一些地方的高科技园区创业,可以享受一些减免税的政策; 2.如普通留学人员来京创业,北京市会给你企业最高10万元的资助,详细信息可以在“北京海外学人中心”网站找到; 3. 如果你想到大学、中科院或者也写研究所做学术工作,职称会比在国外时高了一个档次,一些大学也会提供相对应的房屋补贴等 。
5. 出国留学毕业证明 范例1:大学毕业证书
Let it be known that Mr. Wen Huang, native of Jiangsu Province, born on August 30, 1973, having specialized in Marketing in the Department of Economics & Management from Sept.1995 to July 1998 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing, is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.
This is to certify that Mr. Wen Huang, born in Jiangsu Province on August 30, 1973 has studied for 4 years (from Sept.1995 to July 1998) in the department of Economics & Management majoring in Marketing, has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Program, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Nanjing University. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Business.
Certificate of Master Degree University of Nanjing
We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr. Wen Huang having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinan
如果要毕业证明,可以到你国内读书的中学,找教务处开一个,证明内容为:xxx学生于x年x月x日入学,各科成绩合格,于x年x月x日毕业,毕业证书将于x年x月x日颁发 。
然后拿到公证处翻译公证就行了 。
其实transcript(各科成绩证明)比毕业证重要 。

