作文课英文怎么写( 六 )

更重要的是,一些说英语的国家如澳大利亚,新西兰,美国和加拿大都很漂亮 。我非常想去那些国家旅行 。所以我必须学好英语 。
6. 我喜欢的一堂课 英文作文 推荐两篇,根据自己的实际情况再补充点吧,有不会表达的可以问我,嘿嘿 。
The fisrt:
My favorite class at school is PE class.We have it twice a week in the afernoons.I really look forward to it,because after several hours of studying hard,I need a break from the books.Therefore,I can't wait to get out the classroom and head for the gym.
We always start off with stretching because it's important to warm up.Then we do some jumping jacks and other exercises before jogging around the track.After that the real fun begins.We divide up into teams and compete at different sports.Basketball and dodge ball are my favorite games.There's no pressure to win.We just have fun while strengthening our bodies.That's why I like PE class so much.
The second:
My favorite class is gym.
I can't wait for PE.
It's really fun,fun,fun.
I love to get out of class.
I need a break from books.
It fells great to move around.
We all look forward to it.
It's a chance to unwind.
It's like an escape to freedom.
We have gym twice a week.
We wear T-shirts and shorts.
We play both inside and out.
PE starts off with exercise.
We stretch,bend and twist.
It's always important to warm up.
We do jumping jacks.
We do push-ups and sit-ups.
then we jog around the track.
Finally,the real fun begins.
We divide into teams.
We play sports and compete.
I like basketball and dodge ball.
I enjoy badminton and ping-pong,too.
Soccer is the most exciting to me.
Win or lose,it's OK.
There's no pressure at all.
That's why I love gym class so much.

