报告introduction怎么写( 三 )

5. 谁可以帮帮我 我要做一个功课 assigments 要写introduction(要写这是 《Red Riding Hood 》小红帽
作者:Blakley-Cartwright, Sarah; Johnson, David Leslie
Valerie's sister was beautiful, kind, and sweet. Now she is dead. Henri, the handsome son of the blacksmith, tries to console Valerie, but her wild heart beats fast for another: the outcast woodcutter, Peter, who offers Valerie another life far from home.
After her sister's violent death, Valerie's world begins to spiral out of control. For generations, the werewolf has been kept at bay with a monthly sacrifice. But no one is safe. When an expert wolf hunter arrives, the villagers learn that the creature lives among them - it could be anyone in town.
It soon becomes clear that Valerie is the only one who can hear the voice of creature. The Wolf says she must surrender herself before the Blood Moon wanes . . . or everyone she loves will die.
This is a dangerous new vision of a classic fairy tale, and for readers who want even more of Valerie's riveting story, a bonus chapter that extends the drama is available at
7. 如何写好论文的introduction (1)文后参考文献不编序号 , 仅在文末按其重要程度或参考的先后顺序排列 。(2)文后参考文献不注页码 。(3)文后参考文献的著录项目及次序与注释基本相同 。1) 著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据 , 也反映出该论文的起点和深度 。2) 著录参考文献能方便地把论文作者的成果与前人的成果区别开来 。3) 著录参考文献能起索引作用 。4) 著录参考文献有利于节省论文篇幅 。5) 著录参考文献有助于科技情报人员进行情报研究和文摘计量学研究 。
[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者 , 出版年.
[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名 , 年 , 卷(期). 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究 , 1998(3).
[序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名 [A].原文献主要责任者(任选). 原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者 , 出版年. 瞿秋白.现代文明的问题与社会主义[A].罗荣渠.从西化到现代化[C].北京:北京大学出版社 , 1990.
[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名 , 出版日期(版次). 谢希德.创造学习的新思路 [N].人民日报 , 1998-12-25(10). e.国际、国家标准 [序号]标准编号 , 标准名称[S]. 英文(例子): Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M]. Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. Brown, J Set al. Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning[J]. Educational Reasercher, 1, 1989. Chris, Dede. The Evolution of Constructivist Learning Envi-ronments: Immersion in Distributed Virtual Worlds[J]. Ed-ucational Technology, Sept-Oct, 1995. Hymes, D.On communicative competence[M]. J. B. Pride; J. Holmes (eds). Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. L. E. Sarbaugh. Intercultural communication[M]. New Brunsw-ick, N.J.U.S.A: Transaction Books, 1988. Puhl, A.. Classroom A ssessment[J]. EnglishTeaching Forum, 1997. Thomas, Jenny. Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure[J]. Applied Linguistics, 1983, (4): 91-111. William B Gudykunst. Intercultural communication theory[M]. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Pub, 1983.
根据:国家新闻出版署1999-01-12印发《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范 ——CAJ-CD B/T 1-1998》 文献标识码 (WM) Document code 置分类号之后 。A——理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告) B——实用性技术成果报告(科技)、理论学习与社会实践总结(社科) C——业务指导与技术管理性文章(包括领导讲话、特约评论等) D——一般动态性信息(通讯、报道、会议活动、专访等) E——文件、资料(包括历史资料、统计资料、机构、人物、书刊、知识介绍等)