英语作文信开头怎么写( 三 )

英文信开头的问候语【篇一:英文书信的开头问候语】请问英文书信的开头问候语有哪些私人书信的开头常用如下句子:howiseverything?一切都好吗?ihopeeverythingisallright.我希望(你)一切都好 。howareyou?你好吗?howareyougettingalongthesedays?imissyouverymuch.你近来过得如何?我十分想念你 。iwasveryhappytoreceiveyourletterofoctober10th.我很高兴收到你10月10日的来信 。thankyouforwritingtome.谢谢你给我写信 。yourlettercameintomyhandyesterday.我是昨天收到你的来信的 。itsalongtimesinceigotyourlastletter.我收到你的信已经很长一段时间了 。imsorryitooksolongtoreply.很报歉给你回信晚了 。ihavebeensobusyrecentlythaticouldhardlyfindanytimetowrite.我最近挺忙,未能抽出时间给你写信 。manythanksforthewonderfulpresentyousentme.谢谢你寄给我那么好的礼物 。imsosorryfornothavingwrittentoyouforsuchalongtime.十分报歉,很久没有给你写信了 。英语书信结尾常常写一些祝愿、问候他人、盼回信等等话语 。常用的语句有:withbestwishes.致以良好的祝愿 。pleasewritetomeassoonhowareyou?howhaveyoubeen?ihopeeverythingisfinewithyou.hopeyouenjoyyourday.(或者)hereiamagain.itsmeagain.邮件比较频繁的话,
How are you now?
Today,I am surprised and pleasure at seeing newspaper report that about your wedding.Firstly,I apologize for my absence.I was very busy lately that I have no time for your wedding.And then,my best wishes for you.
Last time you wrote me that you and your wife will moved to my neighbour.I'm very glad to hear the news. We have not seen for years.I miss you sorely.When you came back,we can do what we have done year's ago.I deeply hope that we will live like before just as we were never been apart.I really love the feeling with you.I'll be waiting for you and your wife.We'll get on very pleasant.
I miss you very much.I'm looking forward to see you.
Yours sincerely,

