初一英语总结怎么写( 二 )

第三:英语写作,写作是一个综合的东西,单词、语法、阅读都是基础,有了前面的积淀,平时再多加练习,写作就不是问题了 。时间允许的话可以一天写一篇,最糟糕也要一周练习一篇 。
第四:听力 。要想练好听力,首先,要选择适当的语音材料:①所选语音材料必须地道、原汁原味;②所选语音材料应尽可能包罗万象,涵盖不同领域、不同话题,既要有正式用语,又要有日常会话;③材料应从简单的入手,逐渐增加难度 。其次,听得方法:①利用零碎时间,这种听法要求你连贯地、不重复地听取大量语音材料,不需要听懂每一句话,只需听个大概就行 。②抽出一段专门的时间,集中精力全神贯注地去听 。这种听法不要求你听太多的内容,但务必要听懂每一句话,把握每一个细节 。
4.初一英语总结After the smester of english learning ,i really felt how important the english to us. This is the first time i touch the english and i am not very clear how to learn english effective.I just do the teacher said recite the wordes and read the conversation again and again ,as a result its prove this method is very usefull.I knew learning a foreign language at first time need us spent more time and practise more and i will study hard in the future !
好不容易写完,希望对你有所帮助!! thanks
5.初一英语总结glad高兴的;乐意的kid小孩子;开玩笑seat座位;座have a seat就座;坐下mother母亲father父亲doctor医生;大夫;博士parent父亲(或母亲)(双亲)office办公室worker工人;工作者driver司机;驾驶员farmer农民cook炊事员;厨师nurse护士;保育员work工作;劳动on a farm在农场hospital医院drive驾驶family家woman妇女;女人aunt伯母;阿姨uncle叔叔;伯伯;舅舅brother兄弟sofa长沙发grandparent祖父母;外祖父母cousin表姐妹;表兄弟daughter女儿family tree家谱son儿子happy快乐的;幸福的;高兴的terch教书;教only仅仅;只有cute逗人喜爱的;机灵的look after照看,照顾 (单词截止到这里,我不知道是不是这个)句型:Glad to meet you .很高兴见到你Please have a seat.请就座What does your +人名do ?你的+人名是干什么的?She/He is a/an 他/她是一名+工作What do you do ?你在干什么?Where does he/she work ?他/她在哪里工作?Where do you/they work ?你们/他们在哪里工作?This is a photo of my family .这是一张关于我的家庭的照片 。
语法:名词所有格单数名词 加`s以s结尾的复数名词 加`不以S结尾的复数名词 加`s希望我的这些能对你有所帮助!百度地图 本数据来源于百度地图,最终结果以百度地图最新数据为准 。
6.初一英语知识点总结1.go on vacation go to summer camp stay at home study for exams Central Park show sth to sb .help him find his father walk back to… go shopping the Palace Museum think of have fun doing sth .bus trip the Great Wall Tian'an Men Square .a Beijing Hutong make sb do sth .decide to do sth all day 。
7.对一学年的总结的英语作文(初一年级的总结,是用英语写的)Summary of Grade 7
in the past year ,i became a middle school student.i got a lot,and learned many thing.
in study,i get touch with many new subject.such as Geography, Biological
and English .i think english is a funny subject,i believe that i can learn it well.
and as a middle school student ,i think i grow up.i try to care about my parents,and help them as much as i can do.
the new semester is coming ,i will keep on working hard .i want to be a better man.
8.七年级英语上册教育教学总结怎么写经过一期的摸索、探讨与实践,我对七年级上学期的英语教学有了一定的经验,尤其是初一英语入门阶段的教学有了如下体会 。
一、第一节英语课的重要性 。主要介绍初中英语的学习目的、意义、方法等 。教师可用汉语进行教学 。教师要努力创造友好和谐的气氛,消除学生对上中学以及对外语学生的畏惧心理,使学生满怀信心、充满自信地迎接新的学习 。