海贼英文怎么写( 二 )

《航海王》是日本漫画家尾田荣一郎作画的少年漫画作品 。In “weekly youth jump” in 1997,No 。
34 began serialization 。在《周刊少年Jump》1997年第34号开始连载 。
The adapted TV animation “sailing king” was first broadcast on Fuji TV since October 20,1999 。改编的电视动画《航海王》于1999年10月20日起在富士电视台首播 。
On May 11,2012,”the king of navigation” won the 41st award from the Japanese cartoonist Association 。2012年5月11日,《航海王》获得第41回日本漫画家协会赏 。
The “king of navigation” has issued 320866000 copies in Japan 。《航海王》以日本本土累计发行了3亿2086万6000本 。
It is officially certified by Guinness World Records as “a series of comics created by the single author with the highest circulation in the world” 。被吉尼斯世界纪录官方认证为”世界上发行量最高的单一作者创作的系列漫画” 。
扩展资料 《海贼王》讲述了拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人 “海贼王”哥尔?D?罗杰,在被行刑受死之前说了一句话,让全世界的人都涌向了大海 。”想要我的宝藏吗?如果想要的话,那就到海上去找吧,我全部都放在那里 。”
世界开始迎接”大海贼时代”的来临 。时值”大海贼时代”,为了寻找传说中海贼王罗杰所留下的大秘宝”ONE PIECE”,无数海贼扬起旗帜,互相争斗 。
有一个梦想成为海贼王的少年叫路飞,他因误食”恶魔果实”而成为了橡皮人,在获得超人能力的同时付出了一辈子无法游泳的代价 。
3.用英文怎么介绍海贼王这个行不?One Piece - Geerluojie is the first to receive the world's largest treasure OnePiece, One Piece and become the man he was dying to show the world declared that he will be a great route Mibao onepiece hidden in a place that all want to get onepiece toward those who have a great route, great pirates era.
Lu Fei is one and a friend who had promised in his brain has a unique belief that "I am the man to be a One Piece!." For him, the straw hat is a commitment to witness. The story is revolves around the belief that started. Journey on the road to fly, to get to know the other eight partners - Swordsman Solon, cook Sunkist, sniper Usopp, navigation Shina the United States, the doctor Joe 'the historian Robin' boatman Fulang Qi Huan musicians Brook. They fly the same way, but also have their own beliefs and ideals, and met together. Has experienced difficulties, they came to a great route, on the way to defeat many powerful enemies, to fight for the ideals still sailing on the great route.
4.用英文怎么介绍海贼王这个行不?One Piece - Geerluojie is the first to receive the world's largest treasure OnePiece, One Piece and become the man he was dying to show the world declared that he will be a great route Mibao onepiece hidden in a place that all want to get onepiece toward those who have a great route, great pirates era. Lu Fei is one and a friend who had promised in his brain has a unique belief that "I am the man to be a One Piece!." For him, the straw hat is a commitment to witness. The story is revolves around the belief that started. Journey on the road to fly, to get to know the other eight partners - Swordsman Solon, cook Sunkist, sniper Usopp, navigation Shina the United States, the doctor Joe 'the historian Robin' boatman Fulang Qi Huan musicians Brook. They fly the same way, but also have their own beliefs and ideals, and met together. Has experienced difficulties, they came to a great route, on the way to defeat many powerful enemies, to fight for the ideals still sailing on the great route. 。
船医: surgeon
情报人员:intelligence agent