英语地图作文怎么写( 二 )

Now, I would like to talk about a Map .I am from BaoDing. When I go to school in Tianjin, I have to take bus because there is no train between these two cities .To get Tianjin, I should take the Jin-Bao high-speed bus , and get off the bus at ChenChang street, walk along ChenChang street about 8KM and turn left, then go ahead on GuangRong road and I will find the school on right.The place next to our school is XiGu park and DingZiGu bus station. Sometimes, I go to BinJiang street for shopping . I often go to there by subway,because the HongHuLi subway station is just 500 meter away form our school . I exit from YingKouDao station later. If you want buy some fried twist (麻花吧 , 可以说 bread twist 或者 fried twist) for your parents you can get off the subway at NanLou station. Last week I took(这里应该用过去式 , 因为是last week) NO.855 bus at DingZiGu bus station and got off at the BaLiTai station, And I noticed (这里用notice比较好)the TianJin and NanKai university are right there.Tianjing is so big that I just have been to few places (few places 在这里指的是没几个地方) And I wish I can travel all around Tianjin.That's all,thank you! 。
我仔细观察了中国地图的形状 , 发现中国地图很象一只大雄鸡 , 海南省和台湾省是雄鸡的两个脚爪 。如果正着看 , 你会看到黑龙江省像一条忠厚老实的小恐龙 , 正在蹒跚学步;内蒙古自治区像一条中国龙躺在内蒙草原上 , 戴着一顶帽子 , 呼呼地睡大觉 。宁夏像一架飞机飞在蓝蓝的天空;云南省像一个英勇的将军骑在马背上正要去远征;你再仔细瞧 , 会发现河北、山西、山东、河南合在一起就像一头憨态可鞠的大熊猫 , 正为吃不到竹子而烦恼 , 于是跑到黄海边 , 想把自己的烦恼抛给大海 。如果倒过来看 , 你就会看到一支可爱的鸭子在渤海里畅游;它就是辽宁省;而陕西省则像一只调皮的小狐狸正踮着脚尖要吃葡萄 , 够也够不着 , 急得直流口水;广东省像一头杂技团里的大象 , 正在表演用长鼻子顶石头 。还有南海上的许多小岛 , 就像一粒粒散落的珍珠 , 点缀着祖国的南疆 。只要你用心呀 , 还会发现更多有趣的图形 。

