可是有时,我挺害怕回家的,因为每次考试成绩都不理想,心中总有些对父母的愧疚之感,总觉得很对不起他们 。想到没有做好自己应该做好的“工作”,每个星期还要回家领取“工资”,心里真不是滋味,可是当我每次回到家后,父母双亲对我依然是“涛声依旧”,于此,我无言,我无语,只有在心里默默地告诫自己,要好好学习,发奋图强,要对得起自己的“工作”,更要对得起父母双亲,黄天厚土…… 求你了,选我吧,我打的很累的!!!!! 。
3.回家的英语作文怎么写80Go home
I usually go home by bus, or a motorcycle. But tonight because of money, but I have to walk home.
Because the night, the streets desolate, the light of my shadow, in the morning the beautiful trees into that crooked shadow, plus the atmosphere becomes very strange. But I'm not afraid. Because the road and pedestrian. Suddenly a dog run out, I was startled when. A closer look, day! Is my pet dog, how to run here? I picked it up, the heart has a companion, also go a lot faster, imperceptibly returned home.