怎么写newsstory( 二 )

Any good news story provides answers to each of these questions. You
must drill these into your brain and they must become second nature.
For example, if you wish to cover a story about a local sports team
entering a competition you will need to answer these questions:
Who is the team? Who is the coach? Who are the prominent players? Who are the supporters?
What sport do they play? What is the competition?
Where is the competition? Where is the team normally based?
When is the competition? How long have they been preparing? Are there any other important time factors?
Why are they entering this particular competition? If it's relevant, why does the team exist at all?
How are they going to enter the competition? Do they need to
fundraise? How much training and preparation is required? What will they
need to do to win?
3.用英文讲述一个NEWS STORY,时间:3分钟左右~烟草公司的卷烟送货员,整天奔波于大街小巷,乡间小道,风里来,雨里去,其中艰辛,也只有他们自己能够体会到 。面对不理解零售客户的责难,他们默默忍受;面对困难险阻,他们无所畏惧;面对鲜花和掌声,他们照样是不骄不躁 。在送货服务这个工作岗位上,为和谐客户关系,提高零售客户的满意度,他们在默默地耕耘着 。树立良好的服务形象,是他们最高的追求,持续的客户的满意是他们永远的目标!
The tobacco companies cigarette delivery man, about all day in the streets, and country road, FengLiLai, rain, among them hard, also only they can experience. Face don't understand retail clients censure, they endure; Facing difficulties and dangers, they have nothing to fear; Face the flowers and applause, so they are not. Delivery service work in the post, to the harmonious relationship, improve the retail customer degree of satisfaction, they work in silence. Set up the good service image, and is the pursuit of their highest for customer satisfaction is the goal of them forever!
4.recounting a news story 英语作文I what busied one day, the body that dragging exhaustion sits
silently on the balcony to syare blankly, come stealthily towards
evening, late wind slowly had blown, left the cool trace of filar silk.
But the balcony that also cannot bake sun broil hair is very hotly is
wrapped cool. Dark, bird is less and less also, the damage that a string
of bird left in the sky cries. The sun that worked one day also took
off coverall, it is no longer in that way dazzling. The tender broadness
that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely.
Tell the truth the sun can be met really choose color.
5.a story in the news 大学英语作文My Memory
Life is a thick diary,the diary is that all of us can write down our own story,and you open the diary someday,you will surprised to what had happened in your past life,they may be full of laughs and tears,happiness and sadness. some of them are meaningful and profound,while some can be able,regretted just like the story between my teacher and me.
My teacher,an enthusiastic and kind person,who teaches us English when I was a senior high school student,in all of students,I gave him an deep impression,because the first time I was cried when I came to the new school,facing the strange everything. after this,he began to encourage me in life and study. when the confidence of passing the National College Entrance Examination was descending,he is so patient to the problems I met in study. There were so many humorous topics we talked. finally,as you know, we become friends. with his inspiration and help,I succeeded and got the certificate to go to university. I was so excited that I forgot to share the good news with my teacher. I think of him when I went to the university,but we I lost his numbers,I tried all of my efforts to find his number but failed,I know I am no longer to able to contact him,I was so regret about this.