素养的英文怎么写( 二 )

6S的内容6S就是回整理(SEIRI)、整顿(SEITON)、清扫(SEISO)、清洁(SEIKETSU)、素养(SHITSUKE)、自检(SELF-CRITICISM )六个项目,因均以“S”开头,简称6S 。6S起源于日本,通过规范现场、现物,营造一目了然的卖场环境,培养员工良好的工作习惯答 。
5.100字英语作文I think reading is very important and useful.Reading can help us learn a lot of knowledge.Some people say reading is useless,because they think reading will cost much money and take much time.
As a student,he may think reading is very hard and make him very tired.This is wrong.If we want to have a good life in the future,we must read well.Reading isn't a difficult thing.We can listen carefully in class and do homework carefully.If we can do these ,we will feel very happy from reading.
读书有用还是无用(reading is useful or useless)
【素养的英文怎么写】我认为读书很重要、很有用 。读书可以帮助我们学到很多知识 。一些人说读书没用,是因为他们认为读书会花很多钱,花掉大量的时间 。作为一个学生,他也许会认为读书很苦,使他很累 。这是错误的 。如果我们想要将来有个美好的生活,我们就必需好好读书 。读书不是一件难事 。我们可以上课认真听讲,认真完成作业 。如果我们能做到这些 。我们将会从读书中感受到快乐 。

