技能用英文怎么写( 三 )

紧接着是毕业的学校、专业和时间 。对于所学课程,可以列上几门最主要的、有特色的专业课,一些公共课、基础课不必写上 。
下面应该注明应聘的职位和目标 。接下去就是简历上最重要的部分:工作经历 。
对于初出茅庐的大学生来说,这部分包括勤工助学、课外活动、义务工作、参加各种各样的团体组织、实习经历和实习单位的评价等等 。这部分内容要写得详细些,指明你在社团中、在活动中做了哪些工作,取得了什么样的成绩 。
用人单位要通过求职者的这些经历考查其团队精神、组织协调能力等 。兴趣爱好也最好列上两三项,用人单位可就此观察求职者的工作、生活态度 。
如果应聘外资企业、大的跨国公司一定要附上英文简历,而且要把最近的经历放在最前面,简历前面最好附一封推荐信 。
4.写一篇关于大学生必会的一些技能的英文作文Students concerned about the skills and how to get ready for the future What are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: "knowledge is wealth".The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one's success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely "the normal heart".5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other factors scientifically organize and effectively complete the task, this is our necessary ability.7, expression ability. A person wants to let others understand you,respect you, better play to your talent, the premise is to have shown their ability. When job hunting, write a letter, personal material, personnel recruitment, interview questions to answer, need strong expression ability.8, strain capacity. Graduates can't be learned in school to work on all the knowledge and skills required, only adjust the mode of knowledge, ability and their own thinking and behavior, and make yourself always initiative.I think as long as you have the skills, in addition to employment information, pay attention to job skills and so on, we can prepare for the future, to meet all the challenges ahead! Students concerned about theskills and how to get ready for the future What are the students interest and should have the ability and quality? I think mainly in the following points:1, the knowledge reserve. As the saying goes: "knowledge is wealth".The students learn their professional knowledge, also can not be neglected in English, computer etc..2, the ability to live independently. Participate in the work, often to deal with their own clothing, food, shelter, and all other affairs, higher requirements for the ability to live independently, it is a kind of abilitytraining graduates cannot evasive.3, interpersonal skills. Students enter the society, with all sorts of peoplehave such relationship. Whether the correct, effective treatment,coordinate all kinds of relations between people working and living in a person, not only influence the adaptation to the environment, but also affects his work performance, mental health, live a happy life and careersuccess.4, the psychological bearing capacity. Society and schools, living environment, working conditions, the interpersonal relationship havegreat changes, these changes will inevitably make those illusions,enormously proud of one's success graduates caused psychological contrast and conflict, then, psychological ability is the first, mustovercome psychological obstacles. Have the right to face the reality offrustration. After one setback, must keep calm and rational, namely "the normal heart".5, practical ability. In real life, students practice ability, will directly affectits function. For example, as a teacher, only the rich knowledge is not enough, but also have the ability to put their knowledge to students.Therefore, college students should pay attention to overcome only focus on theoretical study, and the tendency to underestimate the practiceoperation.6, organization and management ability. The work of manpower and material resources, financial resources, time, information and other。