英语每个周末怎么写( 三 )

6.英语作文美好的周末 怎么写今天是周末 , 天气很好 , 阳光明媚 , 我和一家人决定一日游 。上午我们去了动物园 , 我们见到了许多野生动物 , 还有我们的国宝熊猫 , 特别可爱 , 期中还有一只母熊猫生孩子 , 我们目睹了国宝妈妈生孩子的全过程 , 让我明白了生命的可贵 。下午我们一家又去了滑冰场 , 一起学溜冰 , 我刚开始滑 , 感觉比较困难 , 但是多练了几下 , 就越来越习惯 , 这又让我懂得了坚持 。今天真的是快乐的一个周末!
Today is weekend, the weather was fine, sunny, my family and I decided to a day trip. Morning we went to the zoo, we saw many wild animals, and our national treasure panda, particularly lovely, mid-term and a female panda gave birth to the child, we have witnessed the whole process of national treasure mother gave birth to the child, let me understand the value of life. A in the afternoon, we went to the skating rink, together to learn skating, I began to slide, feel more difficult, but more practiced for a few times, is used more and more, it let me know how the stick to it. Today is really a happy weekend!
7.我的周末怎么用英语写My Weekend
My weekends are pleasant. I am very busy during my weekends. I go to have extra lessons in order to learn my subjects well. I am very interested in English. So I go to an English school on my weekend.Sometimes when I am free, I go to a park with my parents. I play games in the park.I have a good time both in the park and in the school.
How happy I am!
亲:祝你学习进步 , 每天都开心V_V!
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