不难英文怎么写( 二 )

现在我每天晚上都喜欢看1-2版英文报纸,已经成习惯了 。5:作文 作文一直是我最弱的项目 。
虽然我高中语文都是全班前三名,可惜大学根本没摸过语文书,丢光了 。如果你按照上面三个方面去学习,你作文肯定不会很差劲,毕竟英语是一个综合提高的过程,你听力、阅读,单词都不错,不可能作文会差得一塌糊涂 。
但是这不代表不要努力 。这里我记得一个六级提高班的英语老师说过的一句话:读书破万卷,下笔如有神 。
作文一个字:背!如果你背了很多很多范文,作文不会低于6分的 。但是我建议在背的同时,可以用一个小本子,把一些很精彩的句子抄下来,经常看看,并举一反三 。
同样一个句子,用在不同的地方,会有什么不同的效果呢?自己体会一下 。而且这些精彩句子正是出彩之处,也是老师给你高分的依据 。
写到这里,我的经验也基本上说得差不多了,希望对大家能有所帮助,特别是基础不太好的朋友 。其实四六级真的不难,难的是,你有没有决心!象我基础这么差的人都可以过六级,你也一定能行:) 6:要对自己有信心,相信自己,付诸努力,坚持下来,你一定能行.. 最后我想送你一句话,学习英语不求速成: Noboday can be proficent in English in one day !(欲速则不达) 。
3.求英文翻译啊 (不难,小学升初中)~~~~~~Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is。
., 12 years old, from。.. Primary School, sixth grade 2 class, I like sports I will jump jazz, I was the school team Drum , who has participated in the ceremony, a good academic performance in class, many friends, I really like this school because it will be the beginning of my dream, I hope I can make more good friends here, hope you like me。
4.翻译成英文,不难,马上就要开学了,还没有写完,求广大热心网友1. The seasonal variation2. The summer uniforms3. At the beginning of October4. The white shirts with short sleeves5. The school life6. Dancing around7. Eat ice cream and drinks8. See 。
Is doing9. Help them to keep warm10. Make a snowman 。
5.帮帮忙 英文翻译 不是很难I want into an honorable volunteer. I pledged: Completely oneself energy, does not count the reward, helps other people, service society. Fulfills the volunteer spirit, the dissemination advanced culture, strengthens cooperation ands solidarity the happy society which for the construction, the equal friendly affection, goes forward together to contribute the strength.
About the young volunteer oath's translation, hoped that certain English ability's person helps me me to be very anxious. Where if you were at to be possible not to be able to find may issue me to thank directly! am I may be able to understand you to write good, therefore do not deceive me!