怎么给博导写邮件( 八 )

"Dear Professor Last-name.” 或者如果你确定老师有PhD学位 , 你也可以这样写:”Dear
Dr Last-name”. 当然如果你的教授是女士 , 你也可以使用“Mrs." 或者”Ms.” . 需要强调的
是前者只适合已婚女士 , 如果你并不确定她的婚姻状况最好选择后者 。需要注意的是 , 一定要
检查名字是否拼写正确 , 你可以不希望老师刚看到邮件就对你产生了不好的印象 。
好的邮件主题就必不可少了 。如果你之前没有和邮件有过邮件往来 , 默认的方法就是:你的课
程名称 , 你的课程时间以及你的邮件主题 。
1、再次对自身情况进行介绍 。如所学课程 , 课程时间等 。
2、简要介绍邮件原因 。
Dear Professor Hanes,
This is XXX from you writing for media class on Tuesday 4pm-6pm. I'm sorry for
missing class last Tuesday, I had a family emergency that I needed to attend to. I'm
Hoping that you might be able to give me notes for the material that I missed.
四、如果你遇见到可能会有的问题 , 你可以提出一个解决的方案
Dear Professor Hanes,
This is XXX from you writing for media class on Tuesday 4pm-6pm. I'm sorry for
missing class last Tuesday, I had a family emergency that I needed to attend to. I'm
Hoping that you might be able to give me notes for the material that I missed.
If you are unable to give me notes for the material that I missed, is there another
student in your class that you might be able to direct me to who could help instead?
属下全名 , 包括first name 和last name. 此处需要注意的是 , 如果邮箱名称也是姓名的话 , 让
两者保持一致 。对于大多数中国学生而言 , 学校邮箱往往是中文名字 。而有的学生喜欢在邮件
末尾署上自己的英语名 , 这点是不提倡的 。保持两者名字的一致 , 避免让教授感到混乱 。

