雅思柱状图怎么写( 四 )

7.雅思考试writing task1里的图表,柱状图、等常考的有:1.Bar chart条形图,又称柱形图 2.Pie chart饼状图 3.Graph或curve曲线图,折线图 4.Table统计表格
比较不常考的,也是比较难写的:1.Flow chart流程图 2.Map地图 3.Picture物体结构图 4.Tree chart树形图(金字塔)
一共就这八种,总体来说前四种非常容易考,基本上90%都是它们,但是后面四种也有出,而且不太好写,但是格式比较固定,后面那四种每一种记住一篇范文的格式就可以了 。这是我在环球上课时老师讲的 。我笔记也是这么记的,希望对你有帮助哦 。
The bar chart shows different methods of waste disposal in four cities: Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman.
Summarize the information by describing the main features of the chart and making comparisons where appropriate.
Sample Answer:
The given bar graph shows data on the four different waste disposal methods used in Toronto, Madrid, Kuala Lumpur and Amman. As is presented in the data, Landfill and Incineration are two most common way of waste disposal in these four cities.
According to the bar graph, Toronto disposes more than 70% of its waste by Landfilling while Amman usages this method to dispose almost half of its waste. In Madrid and Kuala Lumpur this method is used to dispose consecutively 29% and 18% of their wastages. Incineration is another popular method of waste disposal and Kuala Lumpur uses this method to dispose more than half of its wastages. This method is used to dispose 38% and 40% of waste respective in Amman and Madrid. Again, Recycling of wastages is used to dispose about 23% garbage in Kuala Lumpur and Madrid. This method is used only to dispose less than 10% of total wastages in Toronto and Amman. The least used method of waste disposal is Compositing and this method is used to dispose about 2-8% of total wastages in these four cities.
9.雅思图表题要怎么写.雅思写作图表题到底应该怎么写由于线形图和柱状图都包含三个要素,横坐标、纵坐标和小注,且经分析发现,考题中大部分线形图、柱状图的横坐标往往是时间,纵坐标往往是数字 。
对于其他线形图和柱状图,即使这两个要素没有出现在其横、纵坐标中,也会在小注中标出来,而这时原本小注中的items或activities则会出现在横、纵坐标上 。所以线形图和柱状图本质上都包含时间、数字和items/activities,只不过这三个要素不一定对应横坐标、纵坐标、小注中的哪一个 。
(更多雅思学习内容,移步WeChat:longre_ada)其中“时间”往往是指一段时间,如果一个图表仅仅标注出了一个时间点,那么这道题目往往会包含两个甚至更多的同类图表,以此来实现时间段对应的数字的变化,也就是趋势 。换言之,这两种图表有着共同的三个要素——时间段、数字和items/activities,所以线形图的三个审题角度极值、趋势、交点同样适用于柱状图 。
仔细分析一下会发现,所有饼图都包含items/activities和数据这两个要素,而往往没有时间变化这个要素,如果要具备一段时间内数据的变化这一要素,则至少要有两个饼图 。换句话说,出两个饼图的效率才顶得上出一个线形图或柱状图 。
然而令很多考生头疼的是,不同于另外三种图表的清晰明了,由于以无序数据的形式出现,表格题的特征比较难把握 。然而,经过分析不难发现,在近几年的考试中,几乎所有的表格题最上面一行都是时间,最左边一列都是items/activities,所以很明显,所有表格也都可以转变成基础图形——线形图 。
也就是说,其余三种图表题都可转变成线形图,进而线形图的三个考虑角度——极值、趋势和交点/排序——也都同样适用于所有图表题 。