两个人的对话怎么写( 二 )

它不仅给我们带来了大量的幸福 , 但同时也减少了孤独的感觉 。应:04 I can't agree with you more!我很赞同你的说法!张:04 Wish our friendship will be all the time.祝我们友谊长存 。
2. Factors that contribute to a stable love relationship. 一个对稳定的相爱关系在起作用的因素 。应:01 Do you love your family? I think your father and mother are good to you.你爱你的家庭吗?我觉得你的父母对你很好 。
张:01 Yes, I do. Because of good listening, everyone can narrow the generation gap. 是的 , 我喜欢 。由于良好的倾听 , 每个人都能缩小代沟 。
应:02 Can you tell me why? I want to learn from you. 你可以告诉我为什么吗?我想从你那里学习 。张:02 Parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better. And children should listen more to their parents, so friendships are likely to be formed. 父母应该多听他们的孩子 , 所以他们会更好的理解它们 。
和孩子们应该多听他们的父母 , 所以友谊可能会形成 。应:03 The more we listen, the more we learn.倾听得越多 , 我们学到的东西也越多 。
张:03 This is why we have two ears and only one mouth! 这就是为什么我们有两只耳朵 , 而只有一张嘴的原因 。3. Secrets of Happiness幸福的秘诀应:01 What does happiness mean to you? 幸福对你意味着什么?张:01 My happiness is living each day with planning and having a content mind. 我的幸福就是生活的每一天都充满规划和学习知足常乐 。
应:02 Your idea really was very simple. 你的想法真的很单纯张:02 Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some special goal they set for themselves. 许多人相信他们一旦他们达到一些为自己设定的特殊目标 , 他们才会很快乐 。应:03 I think the idea is wrong and happiness is not only it. 我认为这个想法是错误的 , 幸福不仅仅是这些 。
张:03 This is what I want to say to you. I have my own secrets of happiness. 这是我要对你说 。我有我自己的秘密的幸福 。
应:04 Oh, let me hear it. 哦 , 说给我听听张:04 It is living all one today with a happy heart for future.它就是为了明天快乐地过好每一个今天应:05 I see your point. If we have a happy thinking, and our life is happiness. 我明白你的意思 。如果我们有一个快乐的思想 , 我们的生活就是幸福 。
4. Difficulties of the adaption to a new environment, and how to overcome it.面对适应新环境的困难 , 该如何克服它 。应:01 Hi, I am the new to here. Can I may friends with you? 嗨 , 我是新到这儿来 。
我可以和你的朋友吗?张:01 Yes, you can. I wish you can learn to how to overcome the difficulties of the adaption to a new environment. 是的 , 你可以 。我希望你能学会如何克服适应新的环境的困难 。
应:02 I can do it and I want you to give me some Suggestions. 我能做到 , 我希望你能给我一些建议 。张:02 It is so easy. first, you must have confidence. then, you can find good friends, and ask for help. Finally,share the happiness and difficult. 这是非常简单的 。
首先 , 你必须对自己有信心 。然后 , 你可以找到好朋友 , 并请求帮助 。
最后 , 分享幸福和困难 。应:03 Thank you. I think we will be good friends. 谢谢你 。
我想我们会成为好朋友的 。张:03 You are welcome. Wish our friendship go better and better. 你客气了 。
希望我们的友谊走得越来越好了 。5. Sharing your personal experience that you competed with others to complete a task with your friends. 和你的朋友们一起分享你为完成任务而与他人竞争的个人经验 。