大学辍学怎么写简历( 二 )

不愿成长的人,只能被现实拉扯着跌跌撞撞向前,即使遍体鳞伤、血肉模糊 。没人在乎你是否痛了,他们有他们的路要走,他们很忙;也没人能够替你承受,这些都得是自己承担,无可奈何,无可避免 。
越是脆弱的人在这条路上走得越艰辛越煎熬 。不想自己一个人走,无法承担;痛苦、挣扎,然而没有人走上来拉你一把 。
跌倒在地,地上尽是石头,咯得生疼,还是得自己咬咬牙爬起来继续前行,任泪水还挂在脸上 。这条路很窄,只能容下一个人 。
你会怀疑自己走错了路,还会觉得为什么偏偏是自己 。那一刻,是否觉得周围都是黑暗的,看不到尽头的 。
然而无法回头,也不愿做逃兵,只能选择继续走下去 。曾以为自己无法承担的重量,却被现实强加在肩膀;以为会垮在半途,却发现自己越来越习惯这样的重量 。
原来不是不能承担,只是没到非要不可的地步,原来也是可以这般坚强 。有时候会难过,有时候会怯懦彷徨,有时候会失望甚至不再期待 。
但是幸好,幸好还在前行,从未停下脚步 。亲爱的,路是不是没那么难走了呢?自己一个人走是不是也不再那么害怕与彷徨了呢?亲爱的,恭喜你,终于走过了最艰难的那一段路了 。
你是否还发现,原来大家都是从那条路一路跌跌撞撞地走来的呢 。成长是一条单行道,它的过程就是逼着你自己去承担自己去摸索 。
跌倒不要紧,流泪不要紧,这是每个人必经的,不只是你;所以别难过,别害怕,就这样,告诉自己坚持并相信,我们终会达到自己想要的想看到的未来 。
2.最好拿到毕业证,不要像我一样辍学的作文怎么写比尔·盖茨日前在自己的博客中发表了一篇文章,鼓励年轻人努力取得大学学位,不要像自己一样,中途辍学 。
This spring more than 2 million students across the US are doing something I've never done. They're graduating from college.今年春天将有超过200万学生完成一件我本人从来没有做过的事情:从大学毕业 。That's an achievement we should all celebrate. Although I dropped out of college and got lucky pursuing a career in software, getting a degree is a much surer path to success.这是一项值得庆祝的成就 。
虽然我从大学退学,并很幸运的在计算机软件领域取得了一些成就,但取得学位是通往成功的一条确定得多的道路 。College graduates are more likely to find a rewarding job, earn higher income, and even, evidence shows, live healthier lives than if they didn't have degrees. They also bring training and skills into America's workforce, helping our economy grow and stay competitive. That benefits everyone.大学毕业生更有可能获得回报丰厚的工作,赚更多的钱,甚至拥有更健康的生活方式 。
国家也会因此获益,因为受过技能训练的劳动力会帮助我们的经济持续稳定增长 。It's just too bad that we're not producing more of them.只可惜我们没有培养更多的大学毕业生 。
As the class of 2015 prepares to join the workforce, what many people may not realize is that America is facing a shortage of college graduates.随着一批新人进入劳动力市场,许多人会发现美国正面临大学毕业生资源紧缺的事实 。That may not seem possible, especially for any graduate who is unemployed or underemployed. But here are the numbers: By 2025, two thirds of all jobs in the US will require education beyond high school. (That includes two-year and four-year college degrees as well as postsecondary certificates.) At the current rate the US is producing college graduates, however, the country is expected to face a shortfall of 11 million skilled workers to fill those roles over the next 10 years, according to a new study by Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce.对于未就业或未充分就业的大学生来说,这也许有些不可思议 。