4.LOL的所有英文句子哈哈 我家有美服 要不要我告诉你呢 welcome to the summnoer's rift
thirty seconds to minions spawn
minions have spawn
god like
your slain in a enemy
double kill
triple kill
quadra kill
penta kill
you have been slain
enemy double kill
enemy triple kill
enemy quadra kill
enemy penta kill
legendry kill
shut down
Your team has destroied an inhibitor
Your team has destroied an turret
Your/The enemy's inhibitor is reborning soon
Your/The enemy's inhibitor has reborned
啊 这么多还不满足么
5.英文听写,LOL里卢锡安的登录界面里最前面那短话She was everything to me.But they took her,and with her,they took my kindness and my mercy.That was their mistake.Because now,all I've got left is a cold heart.They thrive on doubt,they feast on fear.These wretched abominations blight this world,and every last one of them will be pernished by my hand 。
6.求LOL里的一些英文的写法如接近暴走膜拜上面 。。我翻译下 。。
first blood,一血
an enemy has been slain,敌人被杀
double kill,双杀 。triple kill三杀 。quadruple kill 四杀 。penta-kill 5杀,Aced 。团灭
shut down,终结连杀
killing spree,杀3次不死,domenating 四杀不死 。unstopable, 5杀不死 godlike, 6杀不死
;legendary 7杀不死 。。。。以后一直是legendary
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