我未来的男朋友的英语作文怎么写( 二 )

爱---像白雪一样的纯洁,山峰一样的雄伟,天上的星星一样闪亮 。I know if he exists, I will meet him at the perfect time and in the perfect way. And I will change into my true self through him and for him. I will be changed. But what I love most is the irony that he won't care if I change or stay the same, because he will love me no matter what.如果注定有这样的一个你,我们一定能在最合适的地点,以最佳的方式相遇 。
我会为你变成我最真实的样子 。我会有所改变的 。
不管我有没有改变我最喜欢的还是你表示不在乎的话语,因为不管怎样你都会爱我 。I am happy with my life and with each passing day. I am learning new ways to love myself. I am enjoying being single because it allows me to dream of you while pursuing my own dreams.时间慢慢的流逝,我过得很开心 。
我正在学着爱自己 。我很喜欢现在一个人的生活,因为在我追逐梦想的时候我还能幻想着你的样子 。
In Love,我在未来爱着你 Your Future Girlfriend 你未来的女朋友 。
3.我幻想中的的男朋友用英语怎么写写一篇英语作文With the development of science and technology,our lives have changed a lot in the past century.Many things that wouldn't happen before have come into reality now.Therefore,our lives will change as well in the future.Our pace of live will greatly speed up,because we will help many machines to finish our work.Many things can be done autonomously.Therefore,people will have more time for fun.People can travel the outer space freely.Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth.Besides,our environment will be much better than now,because some effective measures are taken to protect the environment.Earth is still a beautiful home for human. 。
4.英语作文 我的朋友 要写一个男的I have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both twelve years old. He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very straight and generous. We always help each other. He is a nice boy and his math is very good. He likes to play football and basketball. I enjoy playing with him because I can learn a lot from him. He can always come up with smart answers to those difficult questions. We usually play together after school in the afternoon. He is very funny and sometimes he tells me some interesting stories but sometimes he sets me up. After all we get a long well. But sometimes we fight each other. His goal is to be a math teacher. He lives in LinShan and I live in Xiangshan. But we are good friends. 。
5.关于你是我男朋友的英语作文my boyfriend He is a shy boy.Every time the teacher asked him to answer questions, always shy low head. He is handsome,and His voice is very nice, very low, ripples in my heart.That's why i like him very well. Every girls all like him.I was 敞抚搬幌植呵邦童鲍阔one of them.But i think he is a little like me .i like him Ling 。
6.以我的未来的题目写一篇英语作文I think much about my future that it's good. First of all, I must have a healthy body so that I can work or do anything. I strongly support that saying that thebody is the root of the revolution. Besides, I think I will have a harmoniousfamily with my wife and children. I am the support of my family. I must workhard for them, so a good job is necessary. I want to be an engineer that earnsa lot. And I will support my parents and my wife's. From this point, a good jobis extremely important. However, I hope I 穿讥扁客壮九憋循铂末still have some free time forleisure, like traveling or do something I like. In short, I want a peace butrich future with my families. 。

