很多学生容易把英语写作看得过于高难,像要写论文做翻译似的,总认为自己词汇量不够,没有开始自己心理就被吓到 。其实是没有静心,懒于动脑经 。
英语写作不像汉语作文,要求那么深刻、精彩;也不是做翻译,那么一字一句转换 。它只是简单的记叙而已 。
只要掌握了一定的词汇量和基本语法,静下心来,开个头,你就会上路 。克服语言表达障碍的关键是:不要总是试图先想好一个汉语意思,再来用英语翻译它;更不要养成“逐字对号”的思维模式 。
很多汉语看上去很复杂的内容,可以用很简单形象的英语来表达 。要用熟悉的英语灵活机动,不要生造 。
比如,汉语“开水壶响了”,语言不熟练不灵活的同学往往字字对应:开水---boiling water, 壶---kettle, 响?一时拿不准用什么动词 。最后可能是一句很不地道的 the boiling water kettle is sounding 或什么的 。
其实写成 the kettle is singing 又地道,又简单,又形象 。这种看似简单的功夫是要经过大量实践才能达到的 。
最后是写什么的问题了 。学校生活这么丰富多彩,放眼望去这么多的人和事 。
只要想写,有你写不完的 。实在不知写什么,你可以描绘你班任何一个同学和老师,学校任何一处景物等等 。
More than two weeks ago, our class failed to enter the final chorus singing contest in memory of 12.9 Movement, which made my students quite sad. Actually there is nothing serious about failure, as it goes that "Victory and failure are common things among soldiers". While we were watching the final performance, we found that the winning teams were just so so. They won just because they sang louder, and the songs were easier for them to keep together. We failed because we set too high a standard for ourselves. The songs we chose were a little more difficult, and we tried to be prefect by adding too many techniques, such as varing our movements and standing position on the stage while we were singing, which we didn't have enough time to prepare. If we had had more time to practice, to familiar ourselves with the change of movements and position, we would have been much better. If we have another such chance, we shall know what to do. But will there be such chance again? 。
6.写英语周记记录星期六的生活可以用上起床,吃早饭,用英语写,最少Ah ha,when I get up,it was time for lunch.But I really have a lot of work to do,I must write words and English diary,then learned "Li yang" English,and then……Oh,my god(神),if I do it in the afternoon,I will ready to dead.So I wrote words,and now I'm writing my English diary.Wish I could finish these works today.Bye! 。
7.吃饭的周记2月26日 星期二 阴
我们到了一家餐厅,点了一盘空心菜、一盘鱼,还有一碗紫菜蛋花汤…… 。过了几分钟空心菜和紫菜蛋花汤来了,就只剩下鱼没来 。我先吃了几口饭,再继续等,等到我们的肚子都饿得咕噜抗议了,只好开始吃 。结果,我们把全部的饭、菜和汤都吃完了,肚子也饱了,鱼才来 。吃着吃着,我发现一颗黑黑的东西,我就问妈妈:“妈咪!这是什么东西?”妈妈夹起来一看,忍不住大叫:“啊!是蟑螂!”爸爸说:“怎么办?我们已经吃了一半了耶!好吧!不要吃了,回家吧!”鱼就只吃了一半 。
爸爸很生气的站了起来,走到柜台和老板说:“我们的鱼里面怎么会有蟑螂?”老板走到我们餐桌前,看了一眼就说:“真是对不起!是我们不对,这一餐我请客 。”爸爸的气才消了一半,但我们决定以后不要再来这家店了,真是太可怕了!
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