独步英文怎么写( 二 )

手写的G标准的应该是C加一竖,但是现在好像很多人都不在意这些,有些就写成了一横再加一竖 。不过基本上没多大问题 。
【独步英文怎么写】英美在字母的书写方式上没区别,只是单词的拼写上会有一些细微的差别,往往美式英语会短一些,比如colour是英式的,美式英语就会写成color 。大家都能看懂 。只是要注意一篇文章如果是用英式的单词,最好就统一英式的 。如果美式的就最好都用美式单词 。
4.费德勒 英文介绍小短文Commands troops the character as the Swiss new generation of players,spends Deleur in also only has 19 year-old time, by the very manytennis world senior is favored has the ability in the world man tennisworld to make an earthshaking result to come out, even he also by thevery many nets fans crown by "mulberry Plass" successor's title, thereason lies in his technical strength really is too outstanding, eachtarget also nothing too big loophole, this enables him all to achievethe extremely relaxed adaption in any type location, in this point,Old Son of Heaven mulberry Plass especially does not do withoutauthorization to hit the red depot weakness to appear unusualprominent. But on all in raises the head in very many people waits for spendsDeleur to be able fast to take over, after fills mulberry Plass partlyto go into seclusion to serve the surfer fighting method contestantalways combat success not good disappointment, he actually always isencouraged in the sound to be bewildered falls defeats, continuouslytwo year Australian net is reversed in the great score leadingsituation by the match, becomes famous the ground temperature Booleanto ascend also to become the sad stage. Spends Deleur is differentwhich with the others situation certainly lacks this strength, but isbecause his psychological quality really is does not stand up to themost rigorous test, this also causes the multitudinous tennis worldsenior in to mention when this dives the nature outstanding youngpeople, always the meeting be out of control shaking the head, if saidis sighing, but also was inferior to said is getting angry it not tostruggle. After leans on which the tenacious attitude to win Hewitt starts独步 the younger generation, when condition inevitably had thefluctuation expense Deleur also to undertake too many pressures, heonly then should most has after all one of persuasive powersuccessors, but these opinion also how many limit his displays,embarked from the take pity on love only then angle, our heartfelthope spent Deleur to be able to go out from this kind of puzzle, soonwith other outstanding younger generation players together, will openbelongs to own sky. Lucky is, has experienced the merely for 6 months in 2,003 seasons, weon welcomed an new big Man Guansai in the entire English club lawnfield the king, the warm net champion took to him not merely is aglory, but also had is a firmer self-confidence, this could lead himto gain more victories. Although finally places in the year's endworld first capture has not been able to surpass Rodieck, but in theHouston master cup match 5 wars total victory arrogant person combatsuccess lets him all enemies all know, this Swiss next year imposingmanner even more may not look down upon the person, 2004 MelbourneAustralia net athletic field, anticipated Luo Jie the splendidperformance, lets us refuel for him! 中文翻译如下:作为瑞士新一代球员的领军人物,费德勒在还只有19岁的时候,就被很多网坛前辈所看好有能力在世界男子网坛做出一番惊天动地的成绩出来,甚至于他还被很多网球迷们冠以“桑普拉斯”接班人的称号,原因就在于他的技术实力实在是太优秀,各项指标也没有什么太大的漏洞,这使得他在任何类型的场地上都能做到非常轻松的适应,在这一点上,老天王桑普拉斯尤其不擅打红土场的弱点则显得非常的突出 。
不过就在很多人都在翘首以待费德勒能够快速接班,以填补桑普拉斯半隐退后发球上网型打法的选手总是战绩不佳的缺憾,他却总是在一次次的被鼓励声中莫名其妙的落败下来,连续两年澳网在大比分领先的情况下被对手逆转,就连成名地温布尔登也一次次成为伤心的舞台 。与别人情况所不同的是,费德勒并不是缺乏这个实力,而是因为他的心理素质实在是不过硬,这也使得众多网坛前辈在提到这个潜质优秀的年轻人时,总是会禁不住的摇头,与其说是在叹气,还不如说是在怒其不争 。