英语课上的收获作文怎么写( 三 )

除了抽出专门的时间背单词 , 平时应该利用好琐碎的时间来学习单词 , 积少成多 。第二 , 就是记一些固定的词组和搭配 。
每一种语言都有它自己的语言表达系统 , 只有记住了这些 , 才能把握外国人的语言习惯 , 才能学好英语 。这些没有别的法子 , 只有多看多记 。
听 听力 。随着四六级考试听力比重的增加 , 我们也应看到英语听力的重要性 。
其实抛开考试不说 , 学语言无非要掌握“听说读写” 。如果连听都听不懂 , 其他方面就算是学好了也没什么意义 。
我第一次和外国人对话是在很小的时候 。其实都算不上对话 。
那时在北京故宫玩 , 走在我前面的游客掉了东西 , 于是我捡起来还给她 , 这时 , 听到个黑皮肤大眼睛的外国人说“thanks” 。那时还小 , 不知道怎么回人家 , 只是笑笑 。
现在听外国人说话仍然有困难 , 但我一直在努力 。其实英语的听力不是枯燥地听考试题就可以 , 相反 , 如果强迫自己去听 , 会越来越反感 , 最终对英语失去兴趣和信心 。
根据自己的程度不同我们应该选择适合自己的听力材料 。平时学习累了 , 多看一些美剧 , 其实那里面的英文对白很美的 。
比如说《暮光之城》、《吸血鬼日记》等等 。我尤其喜欢《吸血鬼日记》里女主人公的发音 。
她纯正的美音听起来简直是一种享受 。除了英美电影 , 还有英文歌曲、英文广播也可以来听 。
当然对我们大多数人来说 , BBC(英国广播电台)还是很有难度 , 里面大多都是政治性的观点 , 和中国的新闻联 。
4.我对选修课的收获英语作文800字A Comparison between Yin Hun and The Khufu TreasureI am wondering if I will gild your lilies,which,according to my first impression,were both well-organized novels.People may pooh-pooh when hearing of your novels,dealing with truism.People may boo when reading them,appearing too luxurious.People who were pooh-poohing and booing are under sky of darkness.What they dislike is not your novel but your genius.They do not know what was planned in your novels.They do not understand what was conveyed in your novels.It is the spirit which has long been thrown away by those people who deemed your novel a piece of kitsch.What they have read into attenuates their stream of vision before your sea of knowledge,debilitates their string of courage under your hearth of determination.They deplored nothing but themselves.For so long a time after my first travel in your novels,I think you will be successful,which is the situation you are in.For so long a time after my first comment,I think I may be in default of imagination to reach your realm.For so long a time after my mind teeming with thoughts on your leitmotif,I think I may do it for a second time.And here I am.Both of these two novels are spectacular.Yin Hun won people via a journey,sojourn exactly,of a group of young people,trying to crack the mysteries in disguise of dieu.It galvanized readers.Unfailing intervention did not annihilate their determination.They grew stronger instead.To surmount their destined ending was their only raison d'锚tre.This bestowed me a sense of d茅j脿 vu,being deeply and richly blessed by their supporters,to which I claimed myself belong.C'est la vie.Acclaim and applause are not enough to eulogize Yin Hun spirit.Landscapes in Yin Hun,bringing themselves vividly before readers eyes,pleasing them,touching their hearts,are the strongest points.I have to say it again that you and Feng Zikai are much of muchness,outmanouvring most young writers.You,like he did in his chef-d'oeuvres,use plain words to vivify common pictures.You have a beautiful mind,maybe.This reminds me of your skills in Mu Ma Ji and its ilk,sensitive and sophisticated proses.You are a master of decoration,which can be illustrated by master Feng Zikai.Aside from these,there is another point insufficient to make Yin Hun a best seller.Repetition is a figure of speech.However,if it comes too often,it will lessen its effects.Reread it,and you will not disagree with me.I was lucky to read your Yin Hun II,which was written in half old Chinese.It feels like swimming in a pool of soie,comfortable and consoling.Another problem has been haunting me was spooky.Utilizing so many complex words,adopting so many history stories,which were unconsciously a departure from the very most,came to be detested by people who felt themselves dwarfed.It emitted pressure.Yin Hun,from this viewpoint,was a desolated scene and should form a sense on a par with its readers.Readers and works should in close relation,I think.To say it colloquially,do not show your orgy of knowledge in your works.Moreover,to adorn your works,you need to cover it suitably striking.I know nothing about edition.The Khufu Treasure (or Wings of the Dead) proved your genius in not writing but imagining fictions.It is a domino game.Chain reactions do happen when you delete any part of the story.You do not know the v茅rit茅 , if you do not finish the novel.A crop circle is what I would like to consider it as.It is not a surprise that your fiction has been edited into one magazine.It is a silver lining for you,isn't it?Exactly,you have been triumphant.Even though you have your Treasure published,readers are eager to see the Yin Hun series because it will never be forgotten and will never be surpassed.A problem I wanted to point out months ago was elitism.The luxurious atmosphere,fixated into a story like this,was too often to be swallowed.My observation held that a lot of words were for description of luxury of characters,mansions,clothes and cars.(They did not pay you.So do not promote them.) I thought it must aim at metro-sexuals,though.This is another scene of desolation.Use it efficiently and find a way to wrap it all up.En un mot,I am honored to be your free novel tester.You believe me.I will rack my brain to initiate any comment on your novel objectively.After all,I am not an experienced writer or commentator and have no experience in reading a novel in Chinese except yours.My opinions are just to be criticized.Do not believe me in this.You are on the verge of winning more readers.P.S.:Why not write something marginal,like adultery,gays,hippies,etc.I find they are not blessed.I hope there is a happy。