The study on the relationship between supermarket services and customer satisfaction
—Take some supermarkets in Ningbo for example
Abstract: As modern commercial forms of business organization, supermarket is mainly engaged in the day-to-day supplies and food sales. But with social development, the supermarket is not only the place selling products, but also the process of proving services. The supermarket must improve the standard of service and pay attention to customer service to enhance service quality and increase customer satisfaction, it's also the only way to win customer loyalty, and thereby brought the supermarket profits. Therefore, the study on the relationship between supermarket services and customer satisfaction is very necessary. Based on the analysis of the theory of supermarket services and customer satisfaction and investigation of the practice, the article draws the corresponding conclusions and proposes appropriate measures to improve customer satisfaction.
Key words: Supermarket services; Customer satisfaction; The study of relationship
1、提前十分钟上班,接受经理的工作指示 。
2、早上开门前做好收银台、包装台、出入口通道的清洁卫生工作 。
3、做好零钱、包装袋、收银机纸、胶纸座等物品上班前的准备工作 。
4、工作时间内不得在商场内吃零食,不得在收银机范围内闲谈说笑 。
5、做好商品特价、改价的记录 。
6、严格遵守公司规章制度,遵守待客服务规则 。
7、顾客各购物小票、找赎的零钱在礼貌的放在顾客手里 。
【怎么写超市服务案例分析】8、收款快捷、准确找赎 。遵守公司关于现金收付的规定 。
9、工作时间内不得随意离开机位 。如遇特殊情况需要离开收银机位时,要经过收银组长同意,并将“暂停服务”牌显示 。
10、注意收拾顾客留下购物车、篮等,保持出入口的畅通 。
11、留意超市动态,做好出入口的安全保卫工作 。
12、空闲时间主动协助理货员做好拉架工作 。
5.帮我举一个关于优质服务的客户案例优质服务案例一则 【友好沟通创造优质】 某日,客房清扫员李家玲打扫2212房时,发现2220房客穿着睡衣在走廊里绕来绕去,好像在找什么,她就主动迎上去,细心的她发现客人新睡衣的吊牌拖在睡衣外面,很是影响美观和舒适 。
于是她就用动作示意客人是不是需要把睡衣吊牌剪掉,得到了客人肯定的答复后,她便帮助客人拆吊牌,但由于吊牌太牢固,于是她通知对客服务员送把剪刀 。她想到让客人穿着睡衣呆在走廊里等很不礼貌,为提高外宾服务质量,酒店会组织定期的英语培训,这时,李家玲想到在培训课上学到的对客英语,就主动大胆地向客人说到:“please wait for one moment in room, I back、as soon as”,请客人在房间里等候,客人欣然接受 。
当对客送来剪刀后,她进屋仔细为客人剪下了吊牌 。客人对这样无障碍服务表示满意 。
同时李家玲发现客人的房间比较脏乱,为了怕反复打扰客人,她立刻适时征求客人是否去要打扫的意见,客人很信任地请她开始清扫工作 。在认真清扫的过程,她兼顾到不打扰客人,在与客人偶然眼神交汇的时候理解客人对物品摆放和卫生细节的要求,并一一满足,她和客人之间用微笑进行了无声的交流和问候 。
清扫工作结束时,李家玲希望能够得到外宾对酒店服务的意见,就用“may I have advice about service”,勇敢地尝试与客人的沟通,客人通过对她工作的观察写下了这样的评语“The service is at the staff ,especially Lijialing are so helpful.She's so polite and kind and helps with all of my needs.She's a good employee and now I'm a happy client.”客人感受到了她的礼貌和善解人意,也对酒店员工的优质服务给予了肯定 。分析:通过这样成功的沟通,使客房清扫员很有成就感 。
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