据说,罗宾汉与他的伙伴们便是在此树下邂逅的 。是真是假,树旁的解说牌上自有答案 。
原来,此橡树的寿命超过800年,重达32吨 。由中心到这棵像树大约2公里,是由一条步行道连接的 。
不过,无风不起浪 。走在林中,心中会不时涌出过去的那些浪漫故事 。
除了森林,还有历史、传说与艺术的世界,诺丁汉城堡(NottinghamCastle),1068年,威廉王下令在此地修筑城堡 。据说在挖掘护志河时遇到了砂岩岩层,工程十分艰巨 。
到了13世纪初叶,约翰王拟定了重建城堡的计划 。工程的总指挥便是诺丁汉郡长菲利普·马克 。
据说他是一个残酷的统治者,因而成为罗宾汉的仇敌 。当时,这座城堡也就成了政治、财政、军队的中心 。
17世纪后,卡斯尔伯爵买下了城堡,并在岩石山上建起了公馆 。1875年,这里再次得以修缮,并作为当地最大的博物馆对外开放,直至今日 。
由满目青翠的花园登上城堡,便来到卡斯尔博物馆 。这里展品丰富多样,非常有趣 。
此外,城堡大门建于1255年,本世纪又加以修葺,内部成为罗宾汉展室 。罗宾汉的故事就像中国的水浒故事一样,广为流传 。
8.侠盗罗宾汉英文版读后感Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw. Some people believe he was a real person but most do not. In the story, Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. They wore green suits and pointed caps, and they were gay and bold. Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures. The Merry Men robbed the rich and gave money to the poor. Robin Hood fought the sheriff of Nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly. So he became a hero of the common people. Robin Hood was a great archer. He never missed his target. He travelled around the country in many different disguises so that no one knew who he was. Whenever Robin Hood got into trouble he would blow his horn and his men would come to help him.Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. Maid Marian was Robin Hood's sweetheart.Although Robin fought and robbed landowners, church leaders and government officials, he and his band respected the ruling king, RichardⅠ. In many stories, the king disguised himself and joined the Merry Men, in order to capture Robin. But the king then discovered that Robin Hood and his fellows were honourable people and pardoned them.罗宾汉是英国传说中的绿林好汉 。
有人认为历史上确有其人,做了不少考证,但大多数人还是倾向于认为他只是个传说人物 。罗宾汉和他快乐的伙伴们住在诺丁汉郡的舍伍德森林里,身穿绿衣,头戴尖顶帽,寻欢作乐,胆大包天,生活中充满了冒险 。
他们劫富济贫,专门与欺压穷人的贪官诺丁汉郡长作对,因而成了平民百姓的英雄 。罗宾汉还是个百发百中的神箭手 。
他总是化装后出行,遇到危险无法脱身时就吹响号角,附近的好汉们就会来搭救他 。好汉们当中的著名人物有塔克修士、小约翰和玛丽安姑娘 。
塔克修士是个性情开朗的大胖子,小约翰是个身高七英尺的大个子,也是个神箭手 。玛丽安姑娘是罗宾汉的女友 。
虽然罗宾汉与地主、教士和贪官为敌并劫掠他们的钱财,但对国王理查一世却怀有敬意 。故事里的理查一世化装后加入罗宾汉一伙,俟机逮捕罗宾汉 。
但国王发现这伙人品行高尚,并百无法无天的歹徒,就赦免了他们 。题外话:英国中世纪的农民与中国的农民相似,总有一种顽固的想法:坏事都是贪官干的,皇帝(国王)并不知情 。
罗宾汉一伙与梁山好汉们一样,只反贪官,不反国王(皇帝) 。