我的心情总是不好用英语怎么写( 二 )

I know it is a bad time for you. 老板现在心情不好;你最好不要自找麻烦了 。The boss is not in a good mood now; you'd better not ask for trouble. 其实有的时候我心情不好 。
Sometimes I have no mood. 每当我心情不好我就去购物 。Whenever I feel low I go shopping. 当我心情不好时,我从来都不会向任何人说出我不开心的原因 。
I never account for reason to anybody when I feel sad. 而且除非我当时心情很好&最好别在我心情不好的时候与我见面 。And then only if I'm in a good mood-don't meet me in a bad mood. 我心情不好时请不要跟我开玩笑 。
Please don't make fun of me when I am not feeling well. 如果你在工作中心情不好,要心存感激 。If you had a bad day at work, be thankful. 我的朋友问我,当你心情不好的时候,你会听哪一种歌曲?My friends often ask me, when you are sad, which song would you like to listen? 我不经常'沮丧',不过如果哪天心情不好,我想我会跟朋友和家人谈谈 。
I don't often'feel down'but if I did then I think I would talk to friends and family.我得承认,我们都会有心情好的时候和心情不好的时候 。I have come to accept that all of us will have good days and bad days. 我近来很不舒服,一者我心情不好,一者我身体也不好 。
I've been feeling uncomfortable recently, I've been in a bad mood and have had poor health. 心情不好 。别打扰我,我今天心情不好滴 。
Don't bug me. I am not in a mood today. 。
4.我的心情总是不好I'm always in a bad mood.是最简单的说法.深奥 。
英语不能弄的太深奥,有的时候意思会变的.moodn.1. 心情,心境,情绪[C][+to-v]I am not in the mood to argue.我没有心情争辩 。That evening he was in an unusual light-hearted mood.那晚他的心情异常轻松 。
2. 心情不好,生气[C]She was in a bit of a mood this morning.今天早晨她情绪欠佳 。3. 喜怒无常[P]He is a man of moods.他是一个喜怒无常的人 。
4. 基调,色调;气氛[C]The mood of the music was almost funereal.音乐的调子几乎像哀乐 。A mood of optimism pervaded the gathering.会上充满乐观的气氛 。
1. mood
2. (n) ones heart and mind
3. frame of mind
Relative explainations:
<heart> <monkey> <habit of mind> <humor> <temper> <spirit> <stomach> <vein> <tune> <sensation> <feeling> <state of mind>
1. 我现在心情很好 。
I'm in a good mood.
2. 我昨天心情很愉快 。
I was in a jovial mood yesterday.
3. 她有着快活的心情 。
She has a playful mood.
4. 她太累了,没有心情跳舞 。
She's too tired and in no mood for dancing.
5. 我没心情和你聊天 。
I am in no mood for chatting with you.
6. 我没有心情工作 。
I am not in the vein for work.
7. 她那抑郁的心情一会儿就过去了 。
Her feeling of depression was transient.
8. 我今天的心情不好 。
I'm feeling blue today.

